Stuff That Really 'Grinds My Gears...'

My new office has a number of gender-neutral bathrooms, which is great! I haven’t had to use a gendered one since the move. But increasingly they are all taken up by people who would be just as comfortable in a gendered bathroom, not considering that this is a major inconvenience to those of us who feel less safe in them. Pretty sure it won’t be long until I have to use a gendered one in an emergency because the neutral ones are always taken.


Our cat, Sulfur, is sick; symptoms are vomiting, loss of appetite and the most pathetic yowl you’ve ever heard. Looks like a trip to the vet is in our near future…


Oh noes.


Me: Is trans.

Jackass: “You’re someone who I hope gets beat to death and murdered in an alley somewhere.”

The word is beaten, jackass, beaten.


People claiming Trump was “democratically elected.”

If they’ve lived through November and December 2016, in the states, they ought to know better. A bare majority isn’t really democratic, a plurality isn’t really democratic, and winning without even a plurality isn’t within Voyager II’s range of being democratic.


THIS HERE grinds my fucking gears

I don’t run Windows :-1: but other people in my house do, and two years later this is still a thing.

It does not seem to honor the obvious control panel setting that is supposed to turn it off. Even after being deployed all this time, it does not manage its transmission rates so that it would not cause problems and we wouldn’t even notice it.

On the contrary, for the last several days it’s been fucking up our wifi so it was barely useable. With double-digit % packet loss and ping times in the hundreds and thousands of milliseconds, good luck streaming anything, or facebooking, or whatever the kids do these days.

MAYBE fixed now with a couple of blocked ports on our router. We shall see :angry:


Ajit Pai.
I mean, he’s technically the new Josef Goebbels, Reich Minister of Propoganda, yes?

This means I can punch him, right?




Never gets old.

(And before anyone starts in, punching a punching bag and punching literal Nazis are about all the punching I approve of, if not in self-defence.)


I would go further and say preemptively punching Nazis is self defence!


When I built my Windows 10 system, I went with the Pro version so I could control things like that. It’s annoying to have to pay extra for “Pro” functionality just to be able to configure basic fundamental settings, but MS made it clear during the initial leadup and rollout that the free version was intentionally designed to carelessly brick systems and do unwanted things against the user’s will - an OS designed to operate like malware. Pro is good (so far), but any lower version is not recommended. All their automatic updates and forced settings to prevent malware are kinda pointless if the OS itself inherently behaves as though it were infected.


This software is supposed to turn off the spyware: I feel a little more secure having installed. I don’t know if it prevents the WUDO thing, though.


This will come across as a Microsoft Apologist, but the Home version of Windows needs automatic updates on by default. Every version before that allowed updates to be turned off ended up as another member of a botnet.

WUDO by default is share with Local Area Network only. You have to go and flip the switch to share over the Internet.

W10 isn’t perfect, but its a damn site better security wise than anything before it.


Proprietary OS’s are not recommended, not by me anyway.

If anybody was asking, I’d say start with Linux Mint and see how they like it.

(It’s popular and stable and the UI should be familiar for n00bz.)

Google does not seem to agree, except in regard to the Enterprise and Education versions :unamused:

In any case WUDO borked our wifi for days and blocking the WUDO ports at the gateway made all the problems go away. If, hypothetically, WUDO was committing only localized LAN crimes, that’s still not acceptable.


Ahh… I only have a couple of Pro systems and those (just checked) were set to LAN only. The other 15000 Windows machines I care about are Enterprise, so that’s where most of my attention goes.

But, if everything is working as expected, the Update files would be downloaded over the WAN once and then shared amongst all other systems so you’re only taking the “hit” to whatever bandwidth cap you have once.

I keep one or two systems at the house on Mint just to keep familiar with it, but since I am a Windows Admin by trade, I do tend to gravitate that way.

To quote Upton Sinclair -

“It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.”

At least I am still cognizant of my bias.

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The SAME DEVICE has been doing SOMETHING ELSE that’s fucking up my connection today. A little Google Fu with the router’s system log suggests turning UPnP off might help, so I just did, a few minutes ago. Don’t have enough data yet to know if it’s really any better now :confounded:



So now it’s winter and it’s not really possible to heat this room. I can run a space heater all night and it’s still cold. It’s just a waste of money. So, whatever, I’ve lived outside in the winter before, I’ll deal with it. Well HERE IT IS, I’m getting some kind of a respiratory virus. I can feel it in my throat. I’m lightheaded. I’ll probably have weird dreams. It’ll get worse before it gets better.

Vitamin C and ibuprofen are gonna be my new best friends this week.


If you can get your hands on a couple of cheap materials you can make draft blockers for your window(s), which will help a lot.

I use a stockinette roll, bought off Amazon for about $7:

Clear ponytail holders from any drug store:

And rice.

Cut the stockinette (longer than you think is right), put a band around one end, fill with rice (not too much: they work better if they are loosely filled rather than tight), put a band around the other end.

That’s it.

Materials to do all our windows (new ones each winter, because our windows leak so much that water does get into these things) for 5 years came to around $10.


Painfully loud leafblower pain. It was 74 dB inside while they were headed away. It must have been even worse before I was able to grab my ear protection and my sound level meter. And the leaves probably end up in a landfill, rather than building better soil.

P.S. Later 88 dB. Fucking hell. About as loud for me as 144 dB to someone with average hearing.


I hate those things. Wish they could engineer them quieter, but that would be expensive :scream: