Stuff That Really 'Grinds My Gears...'

So I was shopping this morning, minding my own business, when this older (and, yes, white) guy walks up to an employee stocking shelves near me, and ACTUALLY SAYS, “Your pay grade is probably below this, but do you know if there’s a bus ticket machine in this store?”

Who the ever-loving fuck says that to people??? Especially ones they’re asking for information?

And why the hell wouldn’t a shelf stocker know whether or not there’s an entire bus ticket machine in a relatively small store??? Those ticket machines are nearly the size of a refrigerator.

Like, how can you be such a pompous ass and so stupid at the same time?

I refrained from telling him to fuck off since I wasn’t in the conversation, but I allowed myself an eye roll and some tutting as he left. Pretty sure he noticed. Jerk.


And if it’s the size of a refrigerator, why couldn’t he see it himself?


“I’m sorry, sir, but I would need to be handed $20 more before I can answer that.” :roll_eyes:


I would have given him a deliberately misleading answer. I would have had him go three blocks away and stand in a long line for nothing, when the machine is right there in front of him.

Probably not.

Because people only have one sense, sight, and they can only see things that are directly in front of them, and even then only after you explain where to look and what to look for.


Well, because that location doesn’t have one.

It wouldn’t take you more than 5 minutes to ascertain for yourself.


Then tell him it’s in the store, but you have to speak to a manager first to use it


“It’s a bit hard to find but it’s down there near the [something not available in that store].”


From Salon.

OK, I’m kinda jazzed about Ravelry booting the MAGA idiots, but it grinds the fuck out of my gears when people selecting photos don’t care enough to differentiate between knitting and crochet. They are not the same! Jibbers Crabst, people!


Does Ravelry also do crochet?

Because that’s obviously not knitting.


Ravelry is a place for knitters, crocheters, designers, spinners, weavers and dyers to keep track of their yarn, tools, project and pattern information, and look to others for ideas and inspiration.


Like @chgoliz noted, they do, but then fix the headline to say "crocheting web site ". You know?


This first part is not my gripe.

I’m on 50mg Prednisone today. I smelled my Earl Grey tea as it was brewing. I felt the sun on my back and it didn’t feel like an intrusion. I actually tasted my tomato and mozzarella omelet. I actively sought out, played with, and pet my cats. I did a little grocery shopping, and did my laundry. After a nice nap, I’m feeling like a painting marathon is on the agenda for tonight.

This is an example of how much nasal polyps deprive me of every day. And some conservative asshole thinks I don’t deserve any financial assistance for the plastic surgery I need to correct a deviated septum, widen my nasal arpetures, and take out the polyps residing in my upper sinus chambers, because I don’t have the wherewithal to get things done for myself.
My illness is quite literally my anchor against productivity. Why can’t people see that?


One of the programs I run sends reports to other departments via ftp.

They’re asking us to change FTP servers, as the new server has more resources. Okay, sure. Makes sense.

They’re also re-doing how they route the reports, from scripts that determine the destination based on file directory on the ftp server, to ones that determine the destination by a header and trailer prepended and appended to the actual data.

Okay, sure. That’s an annoying change, but not an unreasonable one.

So, they send me this recipient ID, saying it’s ready, and that I should start testing the code sending the reports to that recipient. At this point, I have no idea about the header/trailer stuff, so I send them our ftp script (minus passwords) and say, “Where do I put the recipient ID, and what do I need to change to make that work?”

They reply with the information about the header/trailer. I ask for confirmation that the header/trailer and the server name are the only things that need to change, specifically asking if the user name, password, and file directory are all being carried over from the old server. They assure me that it’s just the header/trailer that I need to change.

So, I figure out how to make the header/trailer work, try to run it… and the login fails. They come back to me with, “Well, no, not that user name.”

I don’t mind so much when people assume I have knowledge that I don’t have. But when I specifically ask a question, I’d appreciate if they’d take the moment and find me the right answer before coming back to me. Or, at the very least, if they thought that the old password would work and were mistaken (shit happens; I’m not right 100% of the time either), include a “my bad” in the next message to at least acknowledge that I had asked and been given the wrong answer.


This is so true for so many people. When you think of the lost productivity of people without good (i.e., universal) health insurance, it’s insane to say “oh we can’t afford it.” People want to work! But illness can really make that difficult or impossible.

I feel your pain.


It’s not even about the health Insurance sometimes. Sometimes it’s about getting a doctor to believe you, or being stuck in that twilight zone where you’re sick, but you’re not sick enough, so to speak.


Especially women, right? An older relative of my wife had pains that were not believed for years, till her cancer was so advanced there was nothing to do but die. Well that was many years ago, but I’m sure it still goes on.

Then there are misdiagnoses by doctors who can only see you for five minutes, and/or don’t listen.


My issue? Right now, Prednisone is my best option, shrinks the polyps, and allows me to function normally. I’m sure I will be able to earn my way to surgery.

But she’s so worried about kidney damage that she’s ignoring how the pros outweigh the cons (for the time being).


Over the years, my gears have been completely stripped on this particular front. For example:

me: hey coworker, I hear you’re planning to upgrade application X in a few weeks.

coworker: yes, the new version has some new features we’re really excited about. Management’s all-in, so we’re full steam ahead!

me: cool, cool. Do you know if the new version of application X will work with resource dependency Y [which I manage]? The current version of resource Y is pretty old, so I feel obliged to ask…

cow: No worries. Vendor X assures us that the new version of application X will work with the old version of resource Y.

me: OK, have fun.

[weeks pass]

cow: [running around like a chicken with it’s head cut off] ZOMG, mission critical feature Q of application X is totally broken after the upgrade, and the only solution is to upgrade resource Y! How soon can you have that finished?

me: it’s two days before Christmas, and I’ll need things from Infrastructure Guy, who’s currently on vacation in another state (because, again, it’s two days before Christmas). Why don’t you just roll back the upgrade?

cow: it took us two days to figure out what the problem was, and now it’s too late to roll back. How soon can you upgrade resource Y?

me: :neutral_face:

me: [finds a very short term workaround, then bends over backwards to build out a new parallel instance of resource Y and migrate application X in record time. mission-critical feature Q is restored to full functionality, and there is much rejoicing.]

me: OK, I’m glad we got that fixed, but we still need to do A, B, and C to clean things up. It’s not an emergency, per se, but until we do this, I’ll have double the support and maintenance work for this system. Here is specifically what I’ll need from you to make this work…

cow: no problem, we’ll get right on it!

[six months pass]

me: um, guys? about that stuff I need from you?

me: hello? guys?

cow: :ghost:


Or you’re sick, but too sick to get through the bureaucracy.


This, exactly.

For sure, my problems are far less painful than yours, but depression from physical sources absolutely affects motivation and positive implementation of solutions.