Systems of education and its discontents

That’s right fucked up… every now and again, I’ll see some right wing bullshit on mine, but for the most part it’s still heavily weighted towards the left or centrist news outlets… But I think that the algorithm has long been fucked and isn’t as neutral as they like to portray.


thankfully you can tell YT to never recommend the video or more specifically a channel


Trump himself has repeatedly promised to eliminate the Department of Education. As he promised in 2016. Reagan also promised to eliminate it, and it was just created the year before he took office. I’m not sure if either Bush promised to do that, but it wouldn’t surprise me. The problem they always run into is that the President cannot eliminate an executive department. Only Congress can do that, because it’s Congress who creates them.


Have you been watching progressive content that is criticizing any of the MAGA BS? My spouse watches a lot of videos discussing toxic masculinity but still gets recommended videos that are praising Jordan Peterson and such. He thinks it’s to tempt him into rage-watching the right wing content


Umm…some, but nothing more lately than normal. Actually, since the election, I’ve been trying to avoid political content at all because I just can’t right now.




With a trifecta it can certainly be done. I am guessing there’s also nothing stopping an education Secretary from using any funding to do nothing more than pay for vouchers or some other bullshit.

I’m holding out some hope that R’s in congress aren’t so short sighted to see how zeroing out funding for education hurts their constituents and how for red state R’s that most of that education money comes from blue states. I have a feeling defunding public education in their state or paying for it through increased state taxes won’t be popular.

As fucked as things are looking, nothing would surprise me in this day and age.


LinkedIn suggested I follow Jordan Peterson and Vivek Ramaswamy this past week FFS
There is nothing in my minimalist profile that would suggest any overlap.



When Sam Brownback was governor of Kansas, he gutted public education in the state, along with a lot of other public programs. He basically went full austerity. Today, Kansas has a Democratic governor and overwhelmingly voted to protect abortion last year. These things are not unconnected. The results of Brownback’s governance proved enormously unpopular. This is my hope. That the same will happen now on a national scale. But the right wing propaganda machine is a lot stronger than it was even 4 years ago.


I know someone who did their undergrad there (though he’s a science guy)… :rage:

They’re gonna bring in more adjuncts to teach those classes, so that won’t be an issue, for the short term.


Partly to get funding, partly to avoid antagonizing parents who will not hear that their little darling is not top of the heap. My wife used to work at a local college in Student Affairs. She said she could tell when final exams were over because the phone would start ringing with parents complaining that so-and-so professor was horribly unfair in their exam and should be dealt with promptly. My oldest daughter was struggling in one of her HS classes, we called the teacher to find out what was going on, and first thing out of her mouth was “Don’t worry, we will pass her!” No, said I, if she fails I want her failed, but I want to know why. That does not happen, apparently.


The test results determining funding def needs to be looked at, because in the best case scenario the incentive will be to prepare just for those tests (which is not good since it skews what kids are learning and why they are learning it), and in the worst case scenario you have what is happening which is academic fraud.

This wouldn’t be an issue if high standards were being upheld, but if funding money is all that matters who cares about standards?


In the middle of this terrible month - a month made to shamble through, a month which must be endured - I received a far smaller piece of bad news. Simon’s Rock, the weird little college for weird kids where I spent a weird year and a half, will soon cease to exist in its current form.

In the words of Steely Dan, I’m never going back to my old school. And in a time of global-scale fear and uncertainty, this all feels oddly personal. At the same time, the death of Simon’s Rock also feels indicative of broader cultural trends, like a mutant canary dropping dead in the depths of a mine.

But you probably haven’t heard of Simon’s Rock. That’s a sentence that makes me sound like a totally insufferable alt-rock blogger in 2004. Regardless: let me explain.


All these experimental colleges are going to go away…they’ll either fold or go the way of New College down in FL…


When I was in high school, I had some sort of informational catalogue/booklet of various private colleges around the US. They were all unaffordable for me, but I remember finding some really cool sounding places.


Yeah, that’s part of the problem - these schools are often private, so unaffordable for most people. I had friends who went to Hampshire up in MA, and while my friend was lucky to have two college professors for parents, the other got in on a scholarship (his family didn’t have much $$$). But much of the rest of the student body came from wealth and privilege. They shared a house with Eugene Roddenberry’s (Gene and Majel’s son) girlfriend! But that model is only going to reinforce class hierarchies. What made the New College unique was that it was a publicly funded school, meaning it was more accessible. There’s Cooper’s Union, too, which is private, but until 2014, offered everyone accepted free tuition. I think they’ve tried to do that again this past year, but I don’t know if their model can sustain that?

I love the idea of experimental schools and for changing our public school systems to be more human-centric and centered on more than just teaching skill, but in understanding that education is about teaching someone how to be a person in the world. I wish our entire public education system were more like a montessori model, rather than the industrial school model, which was there to give people just enough of an education to get by in the capitalist economy… But the people about to get into power want to use the educational system to indoctrinate, oppress, surveil, and bully all of us into compliance… It’s literally the exact opposite of where we need to go!!!

I keep thinking about how we’ve built up all these institutions of the capitalist and tried to bend them to more humane ends for the benefit of all of us… and that just seems like all we’ve done is given these fuckers an incredibly effective system that they can use to hurt us all…
