Talkin' about music

Powering through to hit those high notes is definitely bad technique.
Three things I worked on that helped me sing high notes better, (Some of these still need work :slight_smile: )

Maintaining a steady volume.
Used to be whenever I sang notes that were uncomfortably high for me I would try to power through and sang louder. This strained my vocal chords and after a while I would get tired and my throat would basically close up. It’s actually easier for me to hit those high notes at lower volumes.
I sometimes get into trouble, especially when I don’t really know the song like when doing Karaoke, because I might start singing loud and when I get to those high notes, I’m already at the top end of my comfort zone and will instinctively try to power through again.

Proper breath support.
Related to that last part, too much tension in your throat leads to poor breath control, at least it does for me. I used to run out of air, probably related to the last point, That just leads to bad notes.

Learning how to use my head voice.
I was so accustomed to the sound of my “normal” range that when I started to learn how to use my head voice it felt like, cheating, like I was hitting the notes in a sort of falsetto which to me, sounded bad.
Once I got used to it, and actually recorded myself, I was pleasantly surprised how “good” it sounded. It felt weird at first but mostly because I wasn’t used to that part of my voice.

But that’s just what works for me, you might have to work on different things, I will emphasize that if you’re straining, then that’s just your body telling you that’s not the way to go.

Yeah, for the longest time, I was convinced that my falsetto sounded awful.

I don’t know if I just improved, or if I just actually started listening, but I got to the point where I was like, “…You know, that actually sounds pretty good.”

I do, however, have problems making the switch between the two, and especially making that sound good. My falsetto sounds a lot better when I start falsetto and stay falsetto; if I dip in and out, then I try to engage my chest voice where I don’t really have a chest voice at that pitch, and, yeah, it sounds bad.

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Behind the scenes niftyness:


“Only in Canada, you say? Pity.” (Old ad for Red Rose Tea.)

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Breaks, breathing, and ornamentation can ne really tough. All instruments, voice included, have dependencies on those three things (yes, even percussive instruments).

Many books have been written on the subject, so I won’t rehash all the specifics. However, while twirling my mustache with an evil grin, I will show you how a master approaches these issues with his voice.

Notice when Willie breathes hos shoulders are perfectly relaxed, and stay exactly at the same place. He doesnt huff and puff, he always has exactly enough air.

Willies breaks are noticeable , but he blends them so it isn’t jarring. When in doubt keep your notes and phrases long, without ornament , and at the same volume. This takes way more practice than most people assume.

Ornamentation will come, but the fundamental tones must be strong. Practice very, very long scales and really listen. Do not proceed to the next note until the current one is perfect. If a scale takes a few minutes to complete, good. Do not be tempted by fast and clipped.

Regarding ornaments , I have an unorthodox suggestion. Practice vocal fry and throat singing at a slow, low volume pace. This allows you to explore the capabilities of all your resonant chambers. That will make vibrato a snap.

Good luck, make music, don’t let anyone get you down, and there is no wrong way.


This person has a whole series on Pet Sounds and it’s all amazing. (Sloop John B was copyright flagged but others have uploaded it.) Sadly my favorite song from Pet Sounds (I Just Wasn’t Made for These Times) seems the only one missing this “Behind the Sounds” treatment.

I heard they were going to do one on Good Vibrations as well but that was 7 years ago so I don’t see it happening which is a shame as these are really well done.


Her speaking voice is awesome. :smile:


I’m lately enjoying these vocal coach videos on YouTube. So far I like this coach the most just because her personality is so fun. Some of the others give more info on technique.


The Oz left is rather cranky at Kate at the moment due to her participation in the Israeli Eurovision, but she does have a helluva voice:


She did way better than Madonna.


Kate used to be a regular at the Woodford Folk Festival. When I first saw her, most of her act was comedy songs:


I found out about her when someone posted one of her songs to another forum I’m a member on:

(This is NSFW, due to lots of F-bombs.)

Yup, she’s got an amazing voice. Why is Oz upset about her going on Eurovision? I’m not familiar with that show since I’m in the States.


Isn’t it being held in Israel this year?

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Yup, it was.

The cultural boycott part of BDS was beginning to bite; several high profile artists have cancelled shows in Israel over the last year due to fan/activist campaigning.


I’m unsure of how much coverage it gets in the US (I suspect very little), but the last year in Gaza has been exceptionally horrific, even by Palestine standards.


That explains why Madonna went. I heard a wealthy Israeli paid her to go; however, I think that she is a follower of Jewish mysticism probably played a part too.


Going to see Queen + Adam Lambert tomorrow at the Tacoma Dome. First live show I’ve been to in a looong time. I mean I was excited before, but after seeing the setlist from last night’s show I’m fucking stoked. A lot of old stuff and deep cuts mixed in with the usual hits.

I’ll report back tomorrow on how it was. (For as much as tickets were, I’m hoping to get blown away.)


Still trying to collect my thoughts but the show was really great. Adam Lambert did a spectacular job with Queen’s songs, Brian and Roger looked and sounded great, and the rest of the backing band did an amazing job as well. Seats were great - we were about 10 feet from the stage. Close enough to see the glitter in Lambert’s hair and sweat on his face. Brian performed '39 which is one of my all time favorite Queen songs which was a highlight for me.

Plenty of highs with the main lows being the loud and very drunk couple next to Mrs Ficus. People seated near us we literally sushing him. When people are sushing you at a fucking rock concert, you know you done fucked up. I didn’t hear it so much with my earplugs and where I was standing, but on all the videos she took you can hear him yelling out stupid shit.

This isn’t Flickr so I won’t bombard with photos or anything but here’s a couple of pictures. At one point Brian led the crowd participation in Love of My Life and everybody had their phone flashlights on. It was so bright in the stadium it was like they turned the house lights on. It was pretty incredible.

Here’s a panorama I took of that (click to embiggen):

Here’s Brian and Roger singing Doing All Right:

And finally here’s everybody leading the crowd in We Will Rock You:

My next show will be a birthday present to myself this September when I’ll be going to see The Zombies and Brian Wilson in Seattle. I’ll be in the second row. Eep.


Looks like a fun night except for the dude next to you.