What about “Inebriated Newt-Fanciers?”
I can’t speak to what their intent was, but, assuming Japanese was intended …
Obake = ghost
Baka = stupid
Neko = cat
So, “ghostly stupid cat”.
actually the o in this case could mean “great” (literally “big” but basically something you add to denote respect) so he’s the “great ghostly stupid cat”
I hope that isn’t what they were going for, 大き (great, big) has a double vowel, so would be transliterated to “ooki” or “ōki” depending on the transliteration method. Also, if they wanted “great ghostly stupid cat” it would be “dai bake baka neko.“
In this case, the “o” is an honorific, so more “honorable ghostly stupid cat.”
Yes, and I’m thinking that since Bakeneko is a supernatural cat, then the user name of BakaNeko (with letter “a” instead), if “stupid cat”, may have been a play on words…
I can’t wait to find out the explanation from @ObakeBakaNeko
Hello, and thank you! I apologize for the silence. I’ve had a lot going on in real life so I may be a bit quiet here, at least for a while, but I’m happy to be here.
My money’s on “Great Big Stupid Cat”.
I also hope I lose this bet.
Damn glad to see you, One-Take!
Ring rubber bells, beat cotton gongs, strike silken cymbals, play leathern flutes.
The cats and cans and you and I and all such things with souls,
We shall hear: “Walter Paisley is born.”
And the souls become flesh.
Walter Paisley is born!
Boa noite @chgoliz @FGD135 @Dogbutler (what a funny wonderful name!)
Well. When I first arrived here, the site has asked me for a handle, a new user name, then it used my very real name. I didn´t wanted to show it here, so I choose a new one ObakeNeko. Now I was a kind of supernatural, ghostly cat. But I was afraid to be not recognized by the friends I made in the late BBS. So I added the baka to my name. Now I am a kind of silly supernatural cat. Probably my brother in law would say I am creating a personal new kind of japanese grammar…
@MagicFox is right.
We always must be respectful of the mononoke and yurei.
So, lemme get this straight:
An “honorable spectral daft feline”.
Yeah, see, I was bang on the money with that one.
I’d be interested to know how that happened. Did you sign up through an SSO like Google/Facebook/Twitter? I’m not interested in anyone’s actual name, so if there’s something I can do to remove that prompt, I’d like to understand so that I can make people feel safe when signing up.
Here’s what the prompt looks like when I click sign up in a private window:
I didn’t realize it was so…brown…
Moro is associated with Tampere. Hei, moi, terve etc all work for one or many.
minä - me
sinä - you
hän - s/he
me - us
te - y’all
he - them
Of course word like minä actually is also minun, minua, minut, minussa, minusta, minuun, minulla, minulta, minulle, minuna, minuksi & (minutta) + regional and slang variations. Like I would say mää as I am from the west the more common southern word mä has invaded most of the country.

I didn’t realize it was so…brown…
I think that’s due to the default theme of the interface… which threw me off a bit at first. So dark, so dark… Until I thought of looking for the option to change it, duh.
Not that there is anything wrong with brown as such, it’s just a bit weird.
Real life always takes precedence! Also, welcome!
When I signed up with Google for the BB-BBS it automatically took my real name and put it on the account, with no ability to change it. Here it filled it with my real name, but offered me to edit it before continuing.
Does Finnish have a case system?
I studied three languages w/case systems - Latin, German, and Russian - and they almost ahem finished me.

Does Finnish have a case system?
The Finnish language has fourteen or fifteen cases for nouns.