The De-Nazification of America

Let me know what you think once you’re done!

There was some glitch that didn’t allow my “so far…” response to post, but it’s for the best, because now I’ve finished it.

Definitely worth reading. At the end, I felt he rushed things without fully fleshing them out (and there was one sentence that I think wasn’t proofread accurately, so it seemed to say the opposite of what would have been intended, based on what came before), but that’s small potatoes. He does not whitewash the truth, nor does he pretend that there weren’t real feelings of love and belonging that were part of his experience growing up in the white nationalist movement, which is why it took him so long to denounce it. And he has advice about how to get through to people: the carrot & the stick are both necessary, and in fact the gentle persuasion over time by numerous people he met at the New College wouldn’t have mattered, he feels, if he hadn’t also experienced the painful ostracism that his original views caused.

It also helped me understand why DeSantis and Hillsdale College chose the New College for their hostile takeover: it was payback. He never says it explicitly in the book (he talks about the takeover in the epilogue) but clearly that’s why.

Really, I am so glad I read this book, and even more glad that he was able to write it.


On behalf of most of residents of the state of Michigan, I am so sorry about Hillsdale College.


Are these or aren’t these prime examples of socialism at work?

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Thanks! I’ve ordered a copy, but who knows when I’ll get to it… I might read it sooner rather than later, tho.


I was wondering about that project and how it was working out. I hope that the local public radio station will do a story on it at some point.

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Financial law is SO confusing.


“There are no books banned in Florida,” said Florida Department of Education spokesperson Sydney Booker. “Sexually explicit material and instruction are not suitable for schools.”

Among the books removed are Ernest Hemingway’s For Whom the Bell Tolls, Toni Morrison’s The Bluest Eye, and Leo Tolstoy’s Anna Karenina.


… for anyone who hasn’t read it, it’s about fighting fascists in the Spanish Civil War :thinking:


Is that the one whereby, in the movie version, Gary Cooper gets Helen Hayes pregnant and she dies?

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No. That’s a Farewell to Arms. Worth reading for the description of the retreat from Caporetto alone.


Thank you very much for straightening that out for me.


But how he has sex while lying in a hospital bed with two badly injured legs is beyond me. He describes a lot in detail, but not that.


Like porcupines, I would expect - verrrry carefully.