The goddamn Trump Administration

Nah. Section 3 is bad (insurrection = disqualifier for office), and most of Section 1 is bad too (birthright citizenship), but keep the part about equal protection after adding a big asterisk to it.


Well at his age, I can’t either. I wouldn’t be surprised if he used to back in the day, at least changing its oil. :person_shrugging:


I was curious so I checked…


Ah, I actually wasn’t aware of that part of it. I get my care through the VA so it hasn’t really applied to me, but I am aware that a lot of my friends were able to afford care with it when previously they could not. (And I’d still much prefer to just have universal coverage for everyone.)


So which is it?


So, they rescinded the memo, but not the EO itself?


This should be in the Things that Make Want to :face_vomiting: thread.


Oh dear gods, she is so fucking stupid! More people are also “identifying” as left-handed now too. I suppose that is indoctrination?

Minors can’t consent to “life altering, irreversible medical procedures?” Well damn, I guess it’s a good thing trans kids don’t get those, isn’t it? Now intersex kids? Yeah, they get mangled all the time, often without parental consent or even knowledge of the “correction.” You and your fucking orange shit bag going to step up and stop that one? No, no, don’t bother, I already know the answer.


Exclusive: USDA inspector general escorted out of her office after defying White House

Security agents escorted the inspector general of the U.S. Department of Agriculture out of her office on Monday after she refused to comply with her firing by the Trump administration, sources familiar with the matter told Reuters.

Phyllis Fong, a 22-year veteran of the department, had earlier told colleagues that she intended to stay after the White House terminated her Friday, saying that she didn’t believe the administration had followed proper protocols, the sources said.


All these girls are dysphoric about being girls! Let’s ramp up the misogyny and rape some more of them. Maybe the thought of being forced to die birthing a rape baby will fix that dysphoria and make em real glad to look forward to whatever shit show is gonna be foisted on them.

No shit girls are dysphoric about it. You make life hell for females. Who the hell wants to serve a cradle-to-grave sentence as an unwelcome ghost inside a body that belongs to someone else? What the fuck else is a woman but a person squatting in some one else’s body-property?

That ain’t life.


Oh, I’m sure she’s extremely disappointed.


“If we stop testing for COVID we won’t have so many cases” – no, we just won’t know about them.

“Why are there so much more autism today, it must be the vaccines!” – no, we’re just better at diagnosing it.

Gender dysphoria has always been a thing; the only difference is that people are more broadly accepting of it. It’s not that children are being indoctrinated into some sort of “trans agenda” (which is just another take on the old, “gays recruiting our kids” trope), it’s just not that big of a deal anymore to a lot of people.

But, of course anything that threatens the Republican narrative around straight white Christian male dominance is bad and must be destroyed.



Bernie is worth $3M

Walz is worth $193K.

Yeah, I was pretty sure Bernie was a millionaire. I think I found that out in 2016.


They rescinded the memo but not the order. Tomorrow, I understand they will rescind the paper the order is printed on but will stand by the ink. The pen Donny signed it with is right out but the ketchup stain on the pen is still valid. It’s all very complex.


She deserves whatever terrible leopard face eating happens to her.


Well, everyone knows having standards is woke. Keeping things dirty, dangerous, overpriced, corrupt, unregulated and inefficient, that’s the Republican way! Whether it’s the food you eat, the medicine you take, the car you drive or the people running your government, you can rest easy knowing that none of them are being held to any standards whatsoever!


So much Freedoms®!

Vehicle Safety Inspection Changes Take Effect January 2025

December 4, 2024

AUSTIN – The Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) reminds Texans that changes to the state’s Vehicle Safety Inspection Program – which eliminate most vehicle safety inspections – begin on Jan. 1, 2025. These changes are due to House Bill 3297. The bill was passed by the 88th Legislature and signed into law by Governor Greg Abbott in 2023, abolishing the Vehicle Safety Inspection Program for non-commercial vehicles.

Starting New Year’s Day, non-commercial vehicles will no longer need a vehicle safety inspection prior to registration. All non-commercial vehicles in the state will still be subject to a $7.50 inspection program replacement fee. The inspection program replacement fee will be paid at the time you register your vehicle with the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles.

New vehicles (those of the current or preceding model year on the date of purchase) purchased in Texas that have not been previously registered in Texas or another state are required to pay an initial inspection program replacement fee of $16.75 to cover two years.

Please note the inspection program replacement fee is not an increase in the cost of your vehicle registration. As its name suggests, this fee simply replaces the revenue source for state programs and operations—like the construction and expansion of state highways—once supported by vehicle safety inspections.

source: TX DPS

Texas officially does away with mandatory vehicle inspections

AUSTIN (KXAN) — As the clock chimed midnight Wednesday morning, Texans rung in 2025 — and the state’s mandatory vehicle inspections officially became a thing of the past.

During the 2023 legislative session, lawmakers voted to eliminate the annual vehicle inspection requirements mandated for most vehicles. Gov. Greg Abbott officially signed that legislation into law on June 13, 2023.

source: KXAN