The goddamn Trump Administration

Worth well over a thousand words:

Cameras don’t lie.
What a snapshot! :star: :star: :star: :star:



Take hope, I think, in the actions of many state governors, in federal employees (who are royally pissed), in the local governments of sanctuary cities, and the actions of individual people who are doing things to help gum up the works and resist.

There are more of you (citizens), than there are of them (the Turnip administration), and remember that at least some of what is going on, on their side is smoke and mirrors, as Corey Robin’s comment (quoted by Millie Fink) alludes to.

You’ve been in a dark place for the last couple of weeks, worse than a lot of people, I think, and I don’t know about the rest of the commentariat here, but that concerns me.


Sorry, but I don’t get it. What does that shot show, or reveal? :thinking:


Boy, the Catholics in the WH really hold on to a grudge. It’s been over 500 years. Give it a rest, people.



Maybe take a break from the ol’ screens n stuff.
They (WTFTM) want us scared.
They want us cowering.
Exist, in spite of them.

At the risk of offering unsolicited advice…
Force yourself to go for a long walk in a nice green place, even if you don’t feel like it.
Eat. Take a shower. Get out in the sunshine if you can.
(Stealing this from Wil Wheaton, whose advice I treasure.)
If you have friends and allies, see if you can spend some time together in the same room IRL.

Box-breathing helps if you’re in a state of total overwhelm.

You are equipped with a parasympathetic nervous sytem–make it work for you.


My close read comes from comparing postures, facial expressions, where each man’s gaze seems to be focused, etc.

Trudeau is in control of that room vibe. He is confident, and he is the better understander-er of the stakes, and he know the cards he holds have real value. He looks like he’s just about able to keep his anger and his disgust under control. Well done that man.


Looks like two people sitting in a doctor’s waiting room, with Dora the Explorer on the TV with the volume off.


I see, thanks, and I hope that’s what was happening.

OTOH, as someone just posted in some other thread here, many in Canada feel they’re watching the collapse of the US Empire. If Trudeau is smirking because he sees that coming, he may be underestimating the tsunami that would hit Canada.


Did that recently. Turns out he’s a Drumph supporter.


Oh hell no, it’s certainly me too. Here’s my feckless utterly nerd statistician-al polly-anna reply to myself when i get over-stressed (which is happening about four times daily currently): we’re projecting our certain doom ‘line’ from the current horrible state which has yet to even experience the primary response of society. Social response is slow as compared with all the executive orders being slipped under the orange imposthume’s shaky signing hand. So, there remains hope that the foul efforts will continue to receive significant push-back. (just wait until Kentucky shuts down because it can’t economically export any whiskey). Stuff will get bad, we know that, but there are other factors over the next ridge. And let’see… when do the midterms kick in? in 700 days-ish? Here’s hoping that some significant proportion of idiots who voted for trump will covertly elect down-ballot Democrats to retake some of congress, and then you’ll see some better blockage. But yes: [endless expletives trailing off to go sweep some snow]


Yeah. Had that a couple nights ago. Not certain about fascist supporter, but sort of “ignorant right winger” kind of thing. Reminded of Beau’s bus analogy. You get on a bus in Miami headed for Seattle. The guy beside you may only be going to Birmingham, but for now you are on the same bus. I don’t need unquestioning support, that’s for the enemy. For right now, they are with me, and I’m ok with that. We’ll see what happens tomorrow, but first there has to be a tomorrow.


Based on this, the crash itself might be another example of that:

Does this mean they are worried about the reaction of the people and planning how to GTFO? The timing and outcome (if this is true) are horrible. With the press spinning from wading through the :poop:-flooded zone, I’m not hopeful the results of the investigation will get a lot of visibility. The other thing that’s stunning is how loose-lipped Hegseth seems to be, right out of the gate.



The famous soothsayer speaketh:

This bit echoes Cox Richardson’s assessment from last night:

The people who now dominate the executive branch of the government. . . are acting, quite deliberately, to destroy the nation. For them, only a few people, the very wealthy with a certain worldview, have rights, and the first among these is to dominate.

ETA: And I just noticed that that link goes straight to her letter!


I definitely do not think he’s smirking.

Trudeau looks to me to be bracing for impact.
Look how closely he’s collected his arms, legs, hands, feet.
My read is that he is aware of the potential ramifications and he’s just “damn the torpedoes, someone’s gotta take a stand and it’s me, isn’t it?”

The fact that he’s not standing for election any more has probably further liberated him, if the kind of liberation I mean here is a liberation not from consequences or blowback, but from being prevented from doing the hard things that are good for the tribe–the Canadian tribe.


I think Trudeau is looking to reporters yelling out questions. Not sure If I see a smirk.

I think this photo perfectly encapsulates the gulf beginning to form between Dump and Trudeau in 2019. (Dump looked tired and old, and Trudeau looked young and energetic.)


I’m afraid he’s not with me. Thinks 47 is too uncouth but likes what he stands for. Thinks the Jan 6 coup wasn’t a coup. Thinks things need to be disrupted in Washington. Had an undocumented father but he was one of the good ones. Is upset that one of the Green Lanterns is now gay…


Oh snap!

I won’t vote for Dougie, but nice move.

And you know what we say about American beer; it’s like making love in a canoe (fucking close to water)


Box breathing really works; I’ve seen it short circuit a panic attack in less that 30 seconds.