I hope none of them orgasmed.
This could actually be a good thing. Can you imagine Trump’s term ending after a week because he decides to invade Canada? Time to reassemble the CF-105!
I hope none of them orgasmed.
This could actually be a good thing. Can you imagine Trump’s term ending after a week because he decides to invade Canada? Time to reassemble the CF-105!
51 through 60. That’s 20 Senate votes. House of Reps would be more interesting.
Social media needs to get some kind of meme going about this asshole (look how powerful disgust for the dead CEO has become). Something like “WHO THE HELL ELECTED MUSK?!”
One should fully expect that the White-house will this time around will come to resemble a specially tacky mall (more ‘gift shop’ than government edifice). ‘Golden’ escalators to the ‘posh’ upstairs offerings to buy-off various regulatory agencies. (“aa voted fer trump! cuz he’ll drain that there ‘swamp’!” …well, convert it to a toxic waste dump instead)
Who knew that you could sell the smell of adult diapers?
That sounds cool.
I’ve managed to source it, cheers for that.
All she’s missing is to find out who makes MT Greene’s coats.
“Representative Clagghorn, are you ok with ceding one of the clearest responsibilities of the House to the executive, in order to placate the head of your party?” “Sure, as long as I keep my job and the lobbyists keep me in gold bullion… er, rather, I do not see the president as taking budgetary actions merely by cutting off wasteful gummit spending!”
Let this chant of “fif-tee-one! fif-tee-one!” point out that the MAGA movement has no ultimate goal. No matter what you give them, or what compromises you make, they will still want more.