Russia and China, I would think.
I grew up speaking yooper, so I think I can get by. I should probably learn some French-Canadian swear words, though.
My big hurdle will be kayaking across Lake Superior. It’s hella big and I’m hella out-of-shape.
Well, when every sovereign nation he likes is a potential state…all their leaders become “governors”
Every. Accusation. A. Confession.
Gosh, I wonder if perhaps Goebbels reincarnated as Vance.
Whu? Canada has a military. It isn’t Costa Rica (though both start with “C”)
(egads, it’s hard to follow a tenth of what’s going on) So a 7th attorney in the DOJ has resigned over the trumpy effort to make NY mayor Eric Adams their useful crook puppet. The resignation letter of “The Assistant USAO for the SDNY, Hagan Scotten” ends with this utter jewel (scroll down to “Major Update” here):
“I expect you will eventually find someone who is enough of a fool, or enough of a coward, to file your motion. But it was never going to be me.”
(iANAL) still don’t see how this can like… bring down trump-land significantly as it did for Nixon, but it is a bit heartening and a break in the constant depressing stuff.
And the biggest enablers must be reduced to subsistence farming.
Grab a hoe, Elmer.
That’s too lenient.
Kathy never said where they would be subsistence farming.
The banks of Love Canal?
A lot of legal observers are taking more heart from it than that:
I hate to burst the bubble.
Far from being the independent entity it’s supposed to be, the Department of Justice has become the Department of Presidential Retribution. It’s beginning to look like the only thing that is going to prevent a descent into a full-on fascist dictatorship is a military coup.
I never thought I’d be rooting for four-star generals.
Really? The only threats we’ve received recently, or ever for that matter, have come from our neighbours to the south.
I wasn’t clear; I think he’s implying that they (the U.S.) has been defending us from Russia and China, and no longer will.