In case we need to be reminded:
In case we need to be reminded:
What can you paint in a brilliant palette of vibrant beige?
This took longer than I thought. I told my husband at the end of January that ADA rules and parking for disabled persons will be next on the list. The jackasses want to park their huge SUVs and high end cars up close to where they shop.
Need lots of room to park them wankpanzers!
Yeah, it’s absurd beyond belief because what the constitution says on this issue is just so clear, even to the layman. The whole MAGA thing is to deny that the constitution says the things it clearly, unambiguously says. (And some of the MAGA arguments are so insane that they’re clear wrong even independent of the what the constitution says, because society couldn’t function under those kinds of interpretations.) But I guess denial of observable reality is perfectly on-brand for fascists.
Anyone could say something if it’s true, there’s no loyalty test there.
Getting someone to not just say, but believe something that is contradicted by itself, that’s a sign of a true follower of the cause. That’s how you can tell the ones who will do whatever you say without hesitation. Those are the ones who will kill their own children if their leader tells them to.
The US Constitution only applies to citizens.
Catching measles is good actually.
The Kool-Aid does not taste funny.
Ukraine is run by Nazi Jews and is an existential threat to Russia and anyway it’s not a war.
Kim Jong Il is the greatest scientist and athlete on earth, and the only reason he doesn’t compete in sport is because it wouldn’t be fair.
We have always been at war with Eastasia.
Where are the UN’s black helicopters when you need them?
I recall reading that when that conspiracy theory first appeared, the UN issued a statement that “our helicopters are white.”
Trump demanding new Fed board in 5, 4, 3, …
He’s just part of the liberal deep state trying to make the president look bad.
Probably a tweet later today.
More likely a tweet at 2am after he’s stayed awake watching Fox news and stewing over it.
Powell and the editorial board of the Wall Street Journal!
Thank you, @Millie_Fink!
It’s the uncertainty that gets to me. Under the first administration of this “president,” we were left pretty much alone. Now, they’re really screwing with us. I’m glad I can just walk away from it in a couple of months. I am getting in touch with friends who have already retired from Corporate America to see if they have any guidance. My brain is racing so fast - if I had just one task to focus on, I think I’d calm down.
Folks here are wonderful!!
We would all like to avoid this country, but for some of us it’s not an option. For the rest: