The goddamn Trump Administration

From my side of the country.

Who’d a thunk?

“We’re down 50% in leads. Everything’s off 40% to 50%. People just aren’t looking at cars right now,” Seavitt, who owns Village Ford in Dearborn, told the Detroit Free Press. “It reminds me of 2008 when the mortgage crisis hit. It’s looking like it’s the starting of a crisis. This whole uneasy feeling right now.”


Yup. He did.


No kidding?

“It doesn’t help the president when you have somebody who clearly is not worried about whether or not Social Security benefits are going to be there for him” leading the effort to shrink the Social Security Administration, said Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska), referring to Musk, the world’s richest person.


Yeah, but what’s confusing me is that this dynamic is now being used in interactions with outsiders (e.g. in legal arguments), where it doesn’t work or make sense. It’s gone from a loyalty test to something expected to work on everyone.


The tattoo in question showed a crown sitting on top of a soccer ball with a rosary and the word “Dios” (God), according to Tobin. A declaration from the tattoo artist confirmed that Barrios chose it because it was similar to the Real Madrid soccer team logo, the attorney said.

This is looking ominous for next years World Cup. Iran are on track for automatic qualification, and there are other international players who have said things that Donald Thin-Skin would get upset about.

I’m not a fan of the idea, but how quickly can the UK or Benelux organise an emergency tournament, like Brazil in 1950? Brazil, France and Germany have hosted World Cups too recently, and Spain/Portugal/Argentina are hosting in 2030. The UK are preparing to host the 2028 Euros, while Belgium/Netherlands last hosted it in 2000


If you have spent way too much time inside that echo chamber where it does work, very predictably, it can be shocking to realize that outside of it, folks still see 4 lights, regardless of what you say.

Four Lights GIFs - Find & Share on GIPHY


Dr. Mole does a very good job of calling bullshit on the lies spread by RFK jr and his crew, but this still makes me so fucking angry!

CHD and Kennedy have relentlessly spread dangerous misinformation about the safe, lifesaving MMR vaccine, including that it causes autism (it does not) and even deaths (it does not). After decades of research and reviews, scientists have found no link between autism and MMR vaccines or any other vaccine. Infectious disease experts also counter that no healthy (immunocompetent) person has ever died of an MMR vaccine. The vaccine could be life-threatening in people with compromised immune systems and, for that reason, is not given to those medically vulnerable people.

I hate it so so much…


I can’t get over the level of brainwashing with the parents - “Measles isn’t so bad, it only killed one of our children…”


New punk panic in coming?


It must be a twisted kind of self protection. Like, if vaccines are fine actually, then the child’s death is the result of not vaccinating. That’s got to feel an awful lot like “it’s my fault my kid is dead” which must be unbearable to contemplate.


“They tricked me into letting my child die” would still feel awful, but it’s accurate and would focus the ire on the people who really and truly deserve it. I can’t believe we have a god damn pro-disease faction now.


They believe it, and they have control now, therefore it’s the truth. That’s what being in control means.

There are two levels of cognition going on: the true believers believe it because they were told to. That’s enough for them.

They know that other people don’t believe it, and that’s just a sign of how degenerate and wrong they are. Shun the nonbeliever, Charlie, shuuuuuuun. But, the thing is, they’re in charge now. They know you don’t believe the revealed Truth, but it doesn’t matter. If you don’t go along with it, they’ll fuck you up.

For them, the test is whether they believe the absurd lie. For everyone else, the test is whether they go along with it anyway. Because they will punish you if you don’t.

I repeat: if it made sense, you might be going along with it because it made sense, and that’s no test of loyalty.

And in a totalitarian régime, everything is a test of loyalty.


There was one of the Parkland shooting survivor parents who fell down the Alex Jones conspiracy hole, and accused his son about lying about what had happened and convinced himself that they were paid actors, etc. I believe that was because he couldn’t consciously allow himself to believe that his child had nearly died violently.


Welp, he just shut down the Department of Education.


I wish the reporting on this was honest. It should be “Trump issues memo demanding Department of Education to be closed. DoEd exists as part of Congressional mandate and he cannot do so” instead of “Trump closes DoE”.

An executive order is a memo. It is not a law. But they are being treated as orders from the King.


And now it’s museums and libraries, of course:

I think this summed it up:



The question is, where’d he get the DEI kids?


gormlessly i’ve been “translating” that to a majority republican party membership entirely focused on staying in office and has become (mistakenly, it would seem) utterly convinced that trump can stop them from staying in office with the least effort. so, yes, because of that, with a few judges still to the contrary, a functional “King” @#$!!! ((still vaguely looking longingly toward the midterms))


False King.

he is an accidental usurper. he IS the false king.

fuck the king.