- heat up faster, so can plant earlier
- can drain faster, so may require more water in some cases
- easier to maintain, kinder to a gardener’s lower back, harder for bunnies to chomp delicious greens, for dogs to dig into, groundhogs to devastate
- may help exclude some kinds of weeds
- may exclude some pests
- cost more bc they need [good] soil to fill them (even if one doesn’t fill half the depth with logs and leaves) and more to purchase if you are getting one of the pretty corrugated ones as seen in Epic Gardening etc.
- must be edged with a weedeater if one is maintaining a lawn (as opposed to mulched paths) next to it
- cheaper
- you may just need to amend existing soil w compost and leaf mould
- may have plenty of weed seeds in the seedbed
- may have some pests or diseases in the soil
- easily the better choice as fall goes into winter, bc the soil in the ground stays “warm” for longer than a raised bed
- unless adequately fenced to exclude whichever critters are interested in what you are growing, can be an open invitation for every stray cat, hungry gopher, groundhog, rabbits, etc.
- careful mowing is required if bed is in lawn
- cheaper
- can stay hydrated better in hot dry times
- also: cheaper
I forgot an important list item that I will append here:
- observe through the year the number of hours of sunlight and shadow you have in the prospective spot you are thinking of putting a planting bed in, because sunlight is everything and if you don’t have a minimum of 6 hours full sun during growing season, your plant choices are going to be tailored to what light conditions you do have