The Joy of Gardening

Last week we had tacos, :taco:
and salad, :green_salad:
with greens from our aquaponics system! :fish:

(The helpful hint on the right side of the screen says that this topic is similar to: We can now convert every film and TV show from the last 80 years into HDR which seems pretty random)


Congrats! Hopefully it was all tasty and healthy and yum!


Thanks! I’m pretty excited about it, and hope to expand/improve the system.

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It’s been a good year so far in the allotment. We’ve had a good mix of rain and sun for a change (usually we just get the rain). We’ve had good crops of strawberries, blackcurrents, blackberries, french beans, broad beans, runner beans patty pan squashes, brocolli, lettuce and potatoes. The cabbages are looking the best we’ve had (we usually struggle with brassicas).

However, the marrows & courgettes aren’t doing much at the moment (although they went in late), and we’re struggling with root vegetables this year and our garlic did nothing.


Looking good! I gave up on the re-potting business years ago. Instead, I start 4-5 seeds in a beer cup (those red 16 oz cups the kidz use for beer pong). Poke a hole in the bottom of the cup before putting the dirt in, though. When they’re big enough to go in the ground, either plant the whole cup in one spot, or separate them (normally they’re still small enough to so this if you’re careful).

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I’d be interested in knowing if the nasturtiums work, we suffer form whitefly on our sprouts and as we already grow them it would be an easy solution.


I could send you some if you want? PM me if you’re interested and I’ll harvest some at the weekend.