Sometimes, there are good things that happen in our legal system, or even things that are just interesting rather than being awful. Overall, our justice system sucks. But not always. So this is the place to share legal news that doesn’t suck.
ETA: Please don’t post articles here about things that are wrong with our legal system, or bad legal news in general. We have plenty of other threads for those stories.
I’m going to start with this article about women making up a majority of law school students for, I think, the 9th year in a row. Some of this article is a bit ridiculous, acting like it’s a problem that male enrollment continues to drop, but I’m reminded of Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s answer when she was asked when there would be enough women on the Supreme Court: “When there are nine.”
Well this is going to be interesting. Legal Eagle is suing Honey.
Ehhh…I’m not sure I’d call that an example of the law not sucking. Do you think anyone actually bought the Aldi version by mistake, thinking they were Lindt? Because that’s supposed to be the purpose of trademark law. It’s what separates trademarks from patents and copyright. The purpose is supposed to be to protect consumers, not just the companies. There are tons of store brand generics that look similar to their corresponding brand name originals, including having similar packaging. Are we going to ban all of those just to protect big corporations?
Legal Eagle (Devin Stone) has now released his own video announcing the lawsuit. For anyone who doesn’t know, Stone isn’t just some YouTube lawyer/influencer. He’s a legit Big Law litigator with some big time bona fides. Honey and PayPal should be scared.
ETA: He briefly mentions some other similar apps in this video, including CapitalOne’s. This lawsuit could end up being much, much bigger.
It’s quite noticeable LeagleEagle’s use of “I Believe” and “allegedly” throughout the video, lest he get hit with a libel claim.
There’s another YouTuber attorney who is a part of the lawsuit. Attorney Tom (Tom Kherkher). He’s a catastrophic personal injury lawyer in Houston who has gone after some pretty egregious corporate negligence cases that injured or killed employees. And one of the plaintiffs is the Charismatic Voice. I love her channel.
Attorney Tom has now released his own video explaining the lawsuit. It’s pretty good.
I can’t speak to the Lindt case specifically, but have you ever seen Aldi’s store brands? They’re like a masterclass in material design as far as looking suspiciously similar to the original without literally copying the design element-for-element. It goes well beyond the standard palette-and-font similarities that you see in other private label products. It’s closer to, like… finding knock-off Adidas on AliExpress. I’m kind of shocked they hadn’t been sued for this previously.
To be sure, I am not a laywer (and especially not an IP lawyer), but speaking as someone who has spent a lot of time browsing Aldi and not infrequently confusing the knockoff for the original (at least at a glance), I’m not sure we can dismiss the case on its merits so quickly.
(For fun, here’s a couple random ones stolen from the internet:)

That first one isn’t that different from Walmart’s version:
I think they’re both pretty distinct from the Cheerio’s original, most notably lacking the cartoon bee:
I dunno. Maybe Trademark law is stricter in Europe, but the Lindt ruling seems a bit much to me.
I’ve got to disagree with this assessment. To my eye, the Great Value one is in the same genre. On the other hand, the Millville one is one of those note-for-note not-quite-covers of a song that shows up in commercials not willing to shell out for the original.
Ok. Regardless, I’m not going to celebrate a legal victory for one large multinational corporation over another large multinational corporation, which will probably raise prices for consumers, as an example of the law not sucking.
Absolutely; there are no good guys here.
Not sure if this belongs here, but it’s a discussion on the law and crime, and what’s actually going on…
Here’s a funny one: the other day, I commented in a Reddit thread about how undocumented immigrants actually commit fewer crimes that natural born citizens, and I was told that had been debunked and obviously isn’t true because we have no idea how many crimes undocumented people have committed because they’re undocumented. “Duh.”