Can we please get the expanded emojis already? I can’t “heart” any of this shit but I’ve read and want to acknowledge all of the posts!
I mean, there is just one person doing this… so, I’m sure he’ll get around to it, but let’s have some patience, yeah?
Well…that law is unconstitutional on at least two points. First of all, it’s attempting to hijack immigration control by creating this new crime of “trespass by an illegal alien.” The federal government has the exclusive power to regulate immigration, not the states. The Supreme Court has consistently held this, even fairly recently. This is Missouri’s attempt to get around that. I don’t think it will work. And part of the reason it won’t work is the second way this violates the Constitution.
Sentencing someone to life in prison without the possibility of parole for a nonviolent crime clearly and unambiguously violates the 8th Amendment’s prohibition of cruel and unusual punishment.
I doubt if this law will pass, not even in Missouri. But even if it does, it has zero chance of not being struck down by the courts. Even the current SCOTUS wouldn’t let this go into effect.
More like the SS renting out concentration camp prisoners to private industry:
I wish i had your confidence. I suspect the USSC fascist wing will do exactly as it is directed to by President Musk.
Idaho resolution pushes to restore ‘natural definition’ of marriage, ban same-sex unions
An Idaho House committee will consider a formal statement asking the U.S. Supreme Court to end same-sex marriage nationwide and allow the state to restore its ban on such unions.
There is no marriage in nature. It’s a human invention.
They’s just refer you to the Garden of Eden and pray for your soul.
No marriage there. No ceremony. No priest to bless the union. No bible. Certainly no wedding dress. Very Betazoid.