This was posted in one of my communities back in December, but really this is a good goal year round!
You can’t spell Jesus Christ without d e i!
(That’s a good head-scratcher to toss at “Christian” bigots. Even though it would only actually if you used “deity” instead of “Jesus Christ.”)
Also works for “Agnus Dei.”
he [Ye] really doesn’t get it does he?
yo, Ye… you will never make the cut, not even as “one of the good ones”.
leopards eat Black faces, too, usually as the appetizer, or merely an hors d’voirs with cocktails…
So much for Nazis having to fear Mossad.
They haven’t touched any of the many Nazis in the U.S.
Looks like shopify is another Nazi bar.
Huh that’s, surprising.
Don’t worry, it wasn’t deactivated by X. Musk marked the account NSFW (because of pornographic content, not Nazi content), and Kanye said something to the effect of taking a break before it was deactivated (by him or his team).
How can this shit be taken seriously?
The bill also allows for the flying of a “historic version of a flag … that is temporarily displayed for educational purposes,” which Lee, R-Layton, said would include the Confederate and Nazi flags.
I had hope that the headline was exaggerating, but no, because this is the world we live in now. Nazis are OK, de gays are not. OMFG.
I’ve never had a class about the civil war or WWII where a real enemy flag was made available to the class. Pictures in our textbooks were enough.
As for “the flying of a flag”:
Aaron Bullen, a Lehi resident, testified in favor of the legislation, and said his 10-year-old son had been offended after a pride flag was hung in his school computer lab.
Aaron Bullen is a lying liar that lies. His kid didn’t give a flaming rat’s ass about the flag, but you sure did, didn’t you Aaron? But in addition to being a liar, you’re a fucking coward. You know how bigoted it makes you sound if you say you are offended, so you’re fostering it off on your son. Take some responsibility for your bigotry; most of the people in your circle are proud of it, why should you not display your disgusting hatred for everyone to see too?
He visited Dachau and offered a few canned remarks about how inspired he was by the stories of the “unspeakable evil” he witnessed, and how he was “really moved by this site.” Then, when his trip to Europe concludes next week, he’ll return to the United States to continue overseeing the construction of internment camps to house migrants. He will proclaim himself morally enlightened before going right back to his bigotry.
He was referring to the closure of the camp when he said “unspeakable evil.”
And “Inspired” in the sense of “That’s how you do it!” Asshole.