I was going to go there but you went first. Fancy penguins having their own café and orchestra!
It’s not always that easy to do, though, you know?
Yes! That was exactly my first thought. Like even halfway back?
My second thought: 3,434 kilometers. What is that in miles?
It the equivalent of over 635,000 orcas laid end-to-end over consecutive football fields.
Dunno. Like, 14?
And it’s not like they don’t have their own boats.
But didn’t the front fall off?
Already posted 6 days ago…
crap, I must have missed that… and I though I saw all the posts
Inside each of us live two wolves, named Hope and Despair, who are always fighting. There is also a penguin named Tim. What’s up with Tim, anyway?
Oh, bleedin’ 'ell, you just had me guffaw uncontrollably for the last few mins.
If I wake the neighbours up at this time of night, I’m blaming you. But in a good way.
Or to give him his full name:
Mission Timpossible
The more I learn about Tim, the more I feel that I don’t know. A veritable paradoxipenguin.