The Trans Experience

Yeah, I appreciated Stewart’s pushback and I wish more of the media would do the same. the republicans ran on identity politics, not the Democrats… But I think I fall on the other side about the Democrats… I’m kind of more pissed off at them, because they should KNOW better. Abandoning anyone who is vulnerable is not only morally repugnant, it’s a slippery slope for everyone else… Too many do not act like they understand that point. Walz knew better and has put his beliefs into action in Minnesota…


Oh, but only Democrats have agency, don’t you know. Whatever the fascists do, the fault is with the dems who didn’t stop it, never with the fascists who fucking did it. The Jews were not a threat to the Nazis in the 1930’s, trans folks are not a threat now, they are just a bogeyman invented to focus fear and rage on. And it is not the fault of dems, it is the fault of the fucking fascists. One can, and should, argue about the most effective way to counter these asshats, but they are responsible for their actions, and I hope one day will actually be held responsible.

(/s, mostly)


That discussion has gone on for decades.

My immediate concern is promoting violence. It’s a felony to threaten a member of congress. She needs to be investigated at the very least.

A person who hasn’t in any way threatened her or taken any actions. If she was being threatened or assaulted anywhere- including a restroom- she can engage in self defense. Not before with no provocation.

If she has a problem with anyone she thinks is a threat for whatever reason- she needs to call the police.

She’s promoting violence against trans women specifically.


We need the expanded emoji set. I don’t want to :heart: this, but instead :sob:


Here is Erin Reed on McBride’s response and people’s response to her…





(@mindysan33 I’m mostly expressing my thoughts about Mike Johnson’s repulsive statements and these rulings and using your comment as a starting point. I will defer to you on all things history, so if I’m missing details, that’s all on me.)

There’s a common perception that there were no Black congress members before the second quarter of the 20th century, but in fact there were several before 1901. There were none between 1901 and 1928.

“…[In] 1928 when Oscar De Priest won election to the House of Representatives from Chicago, Illinois. Facilities within the Capitol were segregated. African Americans were excluded from the main public restaurant in the House of Representatives. A smaller lunchroom in the basement served African American employees and visitors. De Priest’s effort to desegregate Capitol facilities failed, and segregation remained the norm within the Capitol until the 1950s.”

(Block quote from “Segregation & Representation” - )

This is what we’re going back to now? I guess we at least now know when they considered America to be “Great.” Even though these bigots hold power now, I honestly can’t begin to understand how they can think they’re not on the wrong side of history here. I mean, they must know how they’re going to be judged in the coming years, right? Are they completely void of self-reflection, even?



Yes. Obviously, they are of the belief that what they have wrought is immutable and eternal. Just like every authoritarian government in history.


By Percy Bysshe Shelley

I met a traveller from an antique land,

Who said—“Two vast and trunkless legs of stone

Stand in the desert. . . . Near them, on the sand,

Half sunk a shattered visage lies, whose frown,

And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,

Tell that its sculptor well those passions read

Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,

The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed;

And on the pedestal, these words appear:

My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings;

Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!

Nothing beside remains. Round the decay

Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare

The lone and level sands stretch far away.”


Today’s been grim. Here’s something positive.


That’s excellent! Our youngest would absolutely kill us if we did this, but it’s still excellent.


That’s WHY you do it!

There’s no love like parental embarrassment.


Yep… it appears that we most certainly are… but given the role that the Daughters of the confederacy had in historical education in k-12, it’s no surprise that a dipshit extremist like Johnson believes that you can have separate but equal facilities… or at least that’s how he can sell it. In reality, he knows precisely what this means and how it will play out.

Yep. Enraging, isn’t it?

Me neither, other than they believe that they should be on top and the rest of us should be under their boot or not exist at all…

They believe they’ve won for good, I’d wager.

Yep, that part. Any good historian knows that the only constant of history is change, and that people are the ones who change it. They think they’ve beaten us, but we know we can win.


It’s kind of sad this topic is devolving into another ‘Today in Transphobia’, but I guess that’s the reality we’re in. The trans experience for me the last few years can be summed up as ‘elation at finally being myself coupled with growing terror at the political climate for trans people’.

On the other hand, I finally found another sapphic romance novel with a trans MC, so I’ll probably curl up with that for the evening.


Ugh… yeah, it is… I’m sorry if I’ve contributed to that. Do we want to put clearer boundaries around it and have a transphobia specific thread? I do think it’s important to understand that the trans experience isn’t just about the struggles the trans community faces…


Here’s some trans joy to share. I’m seeing “him” less and less these days and finally just seeing myself. “He” still makes an appearance every now and then, but it no longer drags me down like it did as little as a few months ago. Why can’t people just let me live in peace?


This reminds me of facing “employee only” bathrooms as a kid when I had to go urgently due to Crohns. I still have vivid memories of those incidents. Now my symptoms are more under control but the last time was about 2010.

Fortunately I had a job that allowed me to go any time. And I felt much more comfortable telling people what was going on.


You’re absolutely right! It’s far too easy to fall down that particular hole, especially right now.

So …

I had a date night with one of my partners last night. We usually have a weekly date, but life (and a few colds) have had that on pause for most of November. They’ve been on T now for a few months and there have been a few subtle changes, but I was delighted to see last night that they’re rocking a goatee. It’s short right now, but looks great and you can see it’s going to be even better as it grows out.

I love when we get to support each other’s changes!