There is hope. My parents were not accepting of me for a long time. Then I invited them to my law school graduation last June, and they came. And then they acted like the last 16 years hadn’t happened, which was weird, but not talking about shit is just what they do, so it is what it is. My dad took lots and lots of pictures with his fancy expensive camera, so I know he’s ok with me now. That’s good enough.
You just constantly keep failing the asshole exam, don’t you.
Hughes and colleagues at Harvard and Folx Health, a virtual LGBTQ health care company, used a data set of private insurance claims from 2018-2022 that included more than 5 million adolescents.
“The total number of youth who had any diagnosis of gender dysphoria was less than 18,000,” Hughes explains. “Among those folks, there were less than 1,000 [youth] that accessed puberty blockers and less than 2,000 that ever had access to hormones.”
No no no. That can’t possibly be right. Someone on reddit assured me the other day that gender transition care is like the wild wild west, and all anyone has to do is ask and they can have hormones or surgery, no matter what their age is, and as a result, doctors who provide this care are making millions! Could it be that this rando on reddit was wrong? Say it ain’t so!
It’s even worse than that, they don’t even have to ask, they go to school and come home with a sex change! Their poor parents are somehow powerless to do anything and don’t provide any proof or contact the media, and I guess the schools are using their extravagant taxpayer funding to convert classrooms into surgical bays and hire expert doctors and apparently instantly heal the kids with zero downtime. This is definitely a real thing that holds up under even a microsecond of scrutiny and definitely definitely a solid justification for voting a sleazy fascist convicted felon into the highest office in the land!
Someone in that reddit thread even told me I needed to do my own research because I didn’t know what I was talking about. And this was after I had explained that I’m trans and I know the hoops that have to be jumped through to get gender confirming health care, even as an adult. It’s really frustrating. We have to figure out a way to cut through this misinformation and disinformation. We are not going to survive if we don’t. And I don’t mean “we” as in “trans people.” I mean “we” as in “the human race”.
I can’t find the quote now, but I’m sure I read something recently about a state where there were more laws banning treaatment for trans kids than there were actual trans kids.
(Or maybe it was more rules against trans athletes than there were trans athletes… something like that.)
I was looking at progress pictures of myself that I started taking last year; both pre-transition, and roughly every quarter right up to last month.
while there’s not a huge physical difference outside of some modest growth from the breast mints and maybe a hint of actual waistline starting to show itself, there was one HUGE thing that stood out:
my resting face is smiling instead of being grumpy/frowny, and that makes the effort worth it one thousand percent.
I still don’t really pass as femme and I still deal with the casual misgendering, but that’s OK. It’s still early for me, and I know that it’s going to take time to get where I want to be.
A bit of joy is a light shining against the gathering darkness. Thank you for sharing this one!
She’s favored for an Oscar nom. MAGA head will ‘asplode. I ordered a Blu-Ray. It hasn’t been released yet; so possibly bootleg?
There are apparently official Blu-Ray releases outside the US. For example:
Hopefully your system can play it.
It says region free. But I’ve never bought one of those before. So, it’s a risk.
If the internet is correct, region-free discs will work on any player in existence.
Our old DVD player died, so I bought a cheap all region blue-ray/DVD player. Nice to not worry about all that region specific business.
ETA: cheap =$50.
I read that as religion-free discs at first… I guess those should work as well.
I did my passport acceptance appointment yesterday at a public library branch. I was all worried about it (thanks, anxiety) but it went super smooth – the librarian was very friendly and didn’t even ask about my choice of gender marker.
As a plus, they had a collection bin in the foyer for clothing donations for trans and queer youth. I have some stuff I was saving up for just an occasion, so I’ll be back that way probably this weekend
I can’t promise all libraries are like that, of course, but most of them tend to be pretty accepting. Location is important, although even in a highly conservative area libraries tend to be a refuge unless they’ve been seized by RWNJ working at the local level.
(Signed, one more trans library support staff person!)
True… my spouse (bi) was a library assistant for many years, and the most flamboyantly gay guy I ever knew a full librarian.
And the worst bigots dislike libraries anyway… all that “socialism” and all those ideas and Drag Queen Storytime and such
For most of a year we had an entire department (six people) where everyone was queer of different flavors. I didn’t point it out, but I was in the room the day one of them else realized it. The only thing that broke the pattern was they finally merged with a different department.
I don’t think many people here knew my nesting partner is pansexual until I started working here and suddenly it clicked. She’s never been shy about it, just she tends to be low key and if you don’t look at the decorations on her desk, her pins, you could miss it somehow.