The wild animals that live among us


Similar horses used to live all the way into what is now France.


@RAvery I was certain that youā€™d posted the following before I could, LOL!

Not worried about bear or man in this one.


These two are our guests. Liā€™l Mama (on the left) is a people cat whoā€™s been living on our deck now for about a year and a half. Sheā€™s a funny, silly, playful, and snuggly cat, but apparently her people didnā€™t care much about her, so she chose us instead.

The one on the right is Romeow. So named because he will walk up to the stairs leading up to deck and announce himself by meowing up until Liā€™l Mama hops up on the railing to look down at him like a Romeo and Juliet balcony scene.

Heā€™s a feral and was terrified of us initially, but now heā€™s decided weā€™re ok enough. We can talk to him when heā€™s laying at the bottom of the stairs, and if he comes up on the deck while weā€™re out there he wonā€™t run away anymore as long as we donā€™t go near him or make any sudden movements or loud noise.

Heā€™s funny because he always announces himself loudly when heā€™s arriving, and after he jumps down and is walking away he meows a loud goodbye.

This morning my wife caught them sharing breakfast together. They were just sitting side by side eating before this picture, but that first picture didnā€™t turn out well because of glare off the glass.

Liā€™l Mama is a huntress. Sheā€™ll occasionally bring us the remains of a mouse or bird. One time she brought a live flying squirrel (who we took to an animal rehab and it was fine, just scared, and is living a happy life along with another flying squirrel they had there). Canā€™t be mad though, sheā€™s just being a cat.

Tonight I went out and there was a frog hopping on our table. At first I was trying to take a picture of it and then I realized that me going out had woken up Liā€™l Mama and that frog wouldnā€™t last long once she noticed it.

So I chased the frog across the deck and he went into a corner. Then she came up all interested to see what I was interested in, and I pushed her away. She went to sulk on her chair, and I was able to catch him and take him down and release him into the wild.

Then an hour later I went out again, and leaned on the railing and there was that frog again, hopping across the railing right in front of me. I looked over and she was still asleep. I grabbed him and took him down into the yard again, like ā€œdude, that deck is just not the place for you.ā€


Very important! Baby snake is really small. Lil guy has been hanging around since at least Saturday in the jungle of tomato and tomatillo. I am hoping he has what he has what he needs. I wonā€™t interfere but Iā€™ve been going out to look for him just because he is adorable!

It sounds like garter snakes give birth to 10-30 at a time. There was a large round hole in the dirt of the planter so maybe there are more.


How adorb!


I usually think of spring as baby animal season, but this little skunk looked like a baby to me. This is as close as I dared get, and I locked the cat door so the kitties wouldnā€™t go start a fight.

Do I have to get them to pose with me for photos in order to be considered a Midwest Princess (disney style)?


Snake update. He went somewhere when it stormed and now heā€™s back today in the same general area.


Whatta cutie!

Unlike most females, I wasnā€™t afraid of reptiles of any kind that Iā€™d seen at the zoo or in the wild.

(You cannot imagine how odd I felt when I found out that other kidsā€™ dads didnā€™t teach them about nature and science. That alone, even if I didnā€™t wear glasses or had other things to be bullied for, made me weird amongst my peers.)


How sneks moof!


Elephants are good luck for everyone but the GOP, it would appear.


This is a turkey vulture, and itā€™s not a great photo but it was the only clear one before he flew away. He was cleaning up a dead possum. I love these guys, so majestic, so important, if a little ugly up close.


Yep, very necessary avians.


We had a huge bird like this in our back yard a few weeks ago. We couldnā€™t identify it, but we do have vultures in the area.


I didnā€™t get a picture, because I was spending all my energy on keeping the cats away and getting a container to take him outside. But, I rescued a little snake from my office and my cat. It may have been the one that was in the tomatoes, or just the same kind.

As I walked him out, I gave him a little lecture about staying away from cats, and staying out of the house. I hope he takes my advice!


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