God I hate that man.
Butthole lazers – you know, light amplified by ztimulated emission of radiation – as opposed to testicle tanners, which are awesome for some reason. The gender binary gets a little more confusing every day.
My favorite part of the article:
Scott Adams, the controversial “Dilbert” creator whose cartoons were canned by newspapers, including the Los Angeles Times, after he made a series of racist remarks, took to X to vouch for Crenshaw. Adams argued that people routinely say outrageous things privately and should know not to take such statements seriously. “As to what Crenshaw said, give it the “Really?” test,” Adams wrote. “Do you REALLY think he would slay Tucker, or do you think he just doesn’t want to be in the same room with him?”
Adams seems like the kind of person who casually uses the term “slay.”
Crenshaw is a retired Navy Seal who lost an eye to an IED in Iraq. He has 2 bronze stars and a purple heart, and I wouldn’t be surprised if he has PTSD. If he says he’s going to kill someone, I think I might not want to just assume he’s kidding.
If he did that would mean Tuck was dead and Crenshaw arrested and possibly convicted.
A pity, really.
I mean… many transwomen do hate LibsofTikTok. Many transmen do too. I do, and I’m not even on TikTok or Xitter. Hatred of LibsofTikTok is, I would argue, perfectly healthy and thoroughly well deserved.
I have no idea where he’s getting the “hatred of Italians” thing from, unless he’s talking about himself, and assuming that his surname is of Italian origin.
Maybe he thinks they’re fantasising about buttholes that fire lasers?
Also; I submit that pseudo-vaginas are easily purchasable, they’re more usually called onaholes, and it’s usually incels rather than transpeople who spend more time thinking about them, although I’m not judging.
Ah, yes. Fidelity, Bravery, Integrity. Right.
Rudy! How the fuck you still got that fat watch? And how much you pay to get her to sit that close to you!
Well, I mean, let’s give him the benefit of the doubt and put him in a locked room alone with Tucker Carlson for 10 minutes anyway. What’s the worst that could happen?
I suppose there’s a nonzero chance that they’re both secretly gay, and putting them in a room alone together might result in them falling in love, deciding they were wrong about everything, and becoming flaming leftists. I think it’s worth a shot to find out.
‘Thank You Jesus’ signs creator arrested on felony child porn charges
Court documents state that Lucas Hunt, of Asheboro, received a video depicting two underage girls involved in sexual acts.
Creator of the “Thank you Jesus Signs Movement”. Whatever that is.
Asshole Ed Bajarana has 22 books he narrated on Audible. Only 3 have any ratings at all for a grand total of 9 people who bothered to click any stars. The book about AI has ratings complaining about how it sounds like it was written by chatgpt.
I wonder if any of the other books have been read? They all sound terrible. At least a few are solidly RWNJ bullshit
Unfortunately Audible will not let you rate a book unless you buy it. But Amazon will.