They are the kid in the back seat who won’t stop poking their sibling, and think it’s funny.
The words cut off by the one-box are
…a ‘knob’
It’s all fun and games until the harrassed sibling joins the Front de libération du Québec.
I really hope the apology was “I am sorry I called JD a knob. The correct term was knob end”
Bell end
Yes, bell end, because they won’t even know what it means, so no apology required.
Somebody must be able to make something stick
And if it’s state charges, Krasnov can’t pardon them.
Oh, Nancy. Anyone can wear a dress.
You should have a picture of a vulva up there.
And what other crimes would you like to confess to today?
god, what a piece of shit. How anyone can listen to these fuckers and think they’re “cool and awesome” is fucking beyond me. He’s just disgusting.
I don’t believe openly admitting that he’s a criminal and daring law enforcement to find evidence on him is the genius chess move he seems to think it is…
He’s more of a chutes and ladders kinda guy.
It is a weird thing to say instead of denying the charges. He’s basically saying “I did it, but I deleted all the evidence.” His attorney, I imagine, threw something at a wall when he heard this interview. Not that I feel bad for his attorney.
ETA: And one thing I mean by this is that the statement itself would be admissible in a trial. Not that it’s definitive proof or even a confession, but it certainly implies guilt. There’s a reason attorneys don’t want their clients, whether they’re innocent or not, giving interviews.
He thinks Florida under a Trump presidency is “absolute communism.”
And why did he have to sit on his laptop?
He’s welcome to go back to Romania and face the charges.
While I appreciate the attention being brought to this, it is far from a “now” situation. They’ve been doing this for decades, if not longer. They’ll move books to different shelves or sections, hide materials behind others, or even check them out with the intent to never return them.