The thread for venting your screw-ups and mistakes.
Today I screwed up a Wordpress-based site by violating the 2PM Friday rule applying a fix and then accidentally disabling a plugin the theme depended on. Whoops!
At least the backups worked. (Don’t forget to set up off-site backups, too)
TIFU by trying to sit by person #1 at lunch I thought I might be befriending, who didn’t notice me, and incidentally across from person #2 who seemed to not understand why I was sitting there, so I grew flustered and as person #1 continued to not acknowledge me I felt it harder & harder to re-introduce myself and scooted over across from coworker #3, therefore cementing #2’s probably growing opinion that I must be some random weirdo. I will now curl up in a ball and die from this minor weird social interaction which I will replay thousands of times past the point anyone ever remembers it*.
*(or not, because there are entire forums where ppl complain that A Person Of Enceladus’s Minority Demographic Did An Awkward Therefore They Are All Awful And Must Be Removed From Society)
This is an eerily accurate description of what happens when I try to befriend someone new. A friend and I actually have an ongoing out-awkward competition for precisely this kind of social interaction.