How many trans teens killed themselves today, Jessica?” Watters asked.
He really is a fucking garbage human.
May his underwear be filled with irate scorpions.
To say that the NCAA’s total capitulation was swift is not accurate enough — the reaction was practically knee-jerk, premeditated. It’s easy to fold when it’s never been clear you had a spine in the first place.
I’m wondering when I’ll have standing:
I don’t think people who can’t be convinced to care about the lives of trans women grasp the endgame here. The first time a cis woman is unlawfully arrested, or assaulted, for using the women’s bathroom, the response won’t be, “Amend this law.” It will be the very familiar, “What was she wearing?”
Would that it were true. Happens all the time. They don’t value all women.
Phoenix Children’s hospital has done the same thing, which would indicate to me that it’s their national level foundation that’s issuing the edict:
They are failing their mission, vision, and values statement, along with the children they were originally founded to protect. This makes me… incandescent with anger.
At one point, as a middle distance runner, I admired Seb Coe. Now, fuck that guy. He’s a coward and a bigot.
Just let them have the south, they said… people in super-blue states will be fine, they said… /s
…from the Stonewall monument.
This is kinda like taking the statue of Lincoln off of the Lincoln Memorial.