Trans folks, myself included, have been calling out this brewing genocide for years, and everyone has just blown it off. ‘You’re exaggerating, nothing bad is going to happen!’.
If you’ve ever said something like that, Fuck. You. I’m tired of this rapid, terrifying escalation towards a trans genocide being ignored by cis people. This shit has been escalating since I came out 4 years ago, y’all just don’t care.
I first realised it was starting about 15 years ago in the UK, even other trans people didn’t see it at that point, they were convinced we had won and we were all singing along to D:Ream. Things became noticeably worse after they killed off Hayley Cropper from Coronation Street in 2014, who was the main positive portrayal of trans people on television since the 1990s, and it’s been downhill ever since. Brexit was when all the transphobes took their masks off.
GOP will observe “DeTrans Awareness Day” with multiple events Wednesday
Republicans are continuing their deadly crusade against transgender Americans by holding multiple events on Wednesday, March 12th for “DeTrans Awareness Day,” The Handbasket has learned.
DeTrans refers to detransitioning, meaning the reversal of steps one has taken in the process of gender transitioning, and it’s long been used as a weapon to keep trans people—especially trans youth—from receiving life-saving medical care. Naturally, Trump has chosen to elevate and celebrate the people who wield it.
Every fucking time someone misgenders Rep. McBride, THIS should be the response. EVERY. FUCKING. TIME. Keep pointing out how cruel and stupid it is. Shut shit down if you don’t get the an apology and correction. But don’t make McBride do it (although her “thank you Madame chair” was chef’s kiss).
Every democrat in the house needs to be standing up and defending their colleague from this bullying. Every time. Maybe it’s “disruptive” but it SHOULD be, because this shit is unacceptable.
Missed this when it happened, but a trans organizer in the LA area was arrested after being hate crimed and kept in jail for 11 days despite posting bail. She got out recently.
This is a modern obsession… Foucault talks about this quite extensively. Sure, religions are often concerned with ordering society and people’s sexual lives, but not in quite the same way as the modern state is, which demands clarity where there is none. I mean, the Talmud actual recognizes up to 7 genders, so… If the abrahamic religions are obsessed with people’s gentiles genitals, that’s much more of a byproduct of modernities’ obsession with them. In the past, there were other ways of thinking about this stuff.
Both, I’d say. The text does matter, but people do interpret it in ways that make sense to them at the time, good or bad. The texts aren’t irrelevant, as they form the basis of those ongoing discussions within whatever faith.
That’s a good question. Christianity might be founded on specific documents/myths but it has branched out into very wildly different things. Episcopals actually fight for LGBTQ+ rights and racial justice, Catholics have intentionally spread transphobia and fight against reproductive rights. They kind of are and aren’t the same religion.
(Also, I am always leery of painting all religions with the same brush. Some of them are authoritarian, patriarchal, racist, anti-science etc. but not all of them. it’s just that we are stuck in a world where the religions that have money, power and influence tend to be the rotten ones… just like the individual humans who have the most money, power and influence are nearly always rotten.)
The way I see it, religion and culture are parts of each other. They can make each other better, and they can make each other worse.
If the culture as a whole wasn’t already transphobic, Catholic efforts to spread transphobia would have fallen flat – people would have rightly mocked it alongside the “gay people cause tornadoes” thing, and would have said “you, the assholes who have been covering for pedophile priests for decades, are trying to accuse trans people of grooming children?”
Religions once gave people cover for slavery. When the culture decided slavery is actually bad, religions stopped doing that.
Let’s say a trans person is, broadly speaking, someone whose understanding of gender differs from the understanding that their society enshrines and enforces
I’m not sure what to think of this. It’s an interesting point of view and there are some worthwhile thoughts in it… I think I’m going to have to read it again and ponder some more. But I don’t think people will accept being called trans, even if they have something of a trans-like perspective on gender. (And maybe that’s what it should be called? I dunno.)
That was my sense when I read it. I’m definitely cis, but have some understanding of the differing views on “gender”- not as deep an understanding as anyone who is themself trying to deal with questions about gender identity, but enough to know that there’s a lot that I don’t yet know about the subject. I wouldn’t be bothered if someone referred to me as trans, other than the fact that I think it isn’t accurate, but I suspect there are many who would.
I feel I am inherently unqualified to opine on most of this essay, and recoil viscerally at “cis=transphobe,” I agree wholeheartedly with the idea that cis-trans is a spectrum, as is every other human characteristic. Clouds and boxes in all the things. I usually feel that the problem lies in our need to categorize and label things that just don’t take well to strict definitions. I usually use the cloud analogy, but colors work well also. As in Q: “Is that color blue or green?” A: “Yes.” If we could get over that need, we would lead happier lives, IMHO.
It’s both, but we have to fall back on the text when the follower’s actions run the full spectrum. There is a normal distribution of followers & leaders of [Abrahamic religion A, B, C] actions regarding genitalia. Just because the really strict, oppressive ones make a lot of noise doesn’t mean they represent the whole, or even close to the majority.
Presumably in saying Abrahamic religions we’re comparing them to non-Abrahamic religions? That’s a difficult reference point since we tend not to hear as much detail about them…I don’t actually know if they are on average any better or worse about this. And you might think non-religious people would be better, but enough have been working hard to prove that wrong.
Calling me trans is like calling me a violinist. It’s not an insult, but I would complain that I don’t deserve it.