I’ve had giardia. It was… not fun. I was fairly healthy so I managed to get over it without much trouble. The explosive diarrhea was, well, explosive.
Would recommend to my worst enemy.
I’ve had giardia. It was… not fun. I was fairly healthy so I managed to get over it without much trouble. The explosive diarrhea was, well, explosive.
Would recommend to my worst enemy.
Yeah, fuck that noise. Punk scenes had this discussion way on back in the 80s. It was settled then, though there is always some dude who wants to claim that punk is “apolitical” and in reality, he’s just pushing a right wing worldview that he wants to be viewed as “apolitical” and “reality based”… but fuck that.
Cool is always subjective, and just because the rich jock is wearing a shirt of a punk band doesn’t make him punk. He’s still the same rich bully as he was before getting into the exploited or whatever.
Fucking posers.
I blame Johnny Ramone.
If people believe that the Ramones are the end all and be all of punk, then that tells me that they don’t understand punk. Once they signed to sire, they were not remotely marketed as a punk band, but as “new wave”… For years, they ran away from the label of being punk and were marketed as a rock band. Meanwhile, the music industry refused to sign bands that refused to be relabeled as something other than punk, so instead, these bands set up their own labels and distribution to reach their audience outside of their local scene. It was only in the early 90s that bands that were explicitly punk were “acceptable” to market as such (looking at you Epitaph records). That’s when you get bands who were punk getting inducted into the R-n-R Hall of fame…
Never mind punk, this presumes KeKiUs MaXiMuS is somehow cool. He’s so painfully try hard that he makes the “how do you do, fellow kids” meme look like someone in touch.
Yeah, and also because the state lawmaker’s desperate, attention-seeking claim about Musk has nothing whatsoever to do with “punk rock.” It’s just an effort to come up with a label that sounds more “cutting edge” than say, “cool” or “rock and roll.”
Hmmm… I think they glom onto punk as a descriptor precisely because it does manage to retain a sense of rebelliousness. Sure, it’s been commodified as a genre to some degree, and incorporated into the mainstream music industry narratives, but as long as indie punk scenes exist and carry on with little regard to any of that as an independent community producing culture outside of the culture industries, they’ll seek to co-opt it for their own purposes… They want to both dominate the culture and to claim outsider status, too. They also want to silence the marginalized voices that have found a home in punk (or postpunk, goth, etc) scenes. They want to “take it back” from those marginalized people and insist that all things cool or outsider also belong to the very people who define insiderness.
Sure, and for them, so does “rock and roll,” or “cool.” “Punk” just a little more so.
Hmmm. I dount Republican politicians and MAGA voters have any idea that punk “scenes” still exist, or even care. I’d guess that for most of them, “punk” = Sex Pistols and their Who gives a shit attitude, clothing and behavior, and little if anything more.
No doubt.
Do they? I’d be surprised if most MAGAts are aware of anything or anyone that’s still adhering to or espousing “punk rock” these days, or aware that any such voices still exist, let alone think that they should be silenced.
However, just my perspective, you are of course the expert!
This reminds me of the old days when dull guys wore leisure suits, long hair, and a mustache so they can be cool.
BTW, this is a Halloween costume.
Suuuuure it is.
I’d argue that some probably are familiar with more underground punk, and see it as being “invaded” by others (you can see these debates in the letters section of Maximum Rock-n-Roll across the 80s)… the music as a genre certainly holds wider appeal than to leftists (aggressiveness in music being pretty prized by lots of men)… Of course, some just like the more well-known stuff, but that’s true across the board. Plenty of people just enjoy punk music without being in punk scenes, but not people who participate in punk scenes are leftist, radical people who are inclusive…
We know that they want them silenced in public life, so any of them into punk would despise the many variants of punk practices by those same marginalized people.
But it’s true enough that some people will invoked a term like punk to just mean anti-establishment and edgy, but at least some right wingers do understand the deeper history and are seeking to “take it back” from the more inclusive strains of punk rock. Part of the reason why lots of dudes ended up in the more conservative skinhead movement, especially of the right wing, racist variant was because the punk scenes were too inclusive.
Laurie is always helpful and insightful!
We get a lot of that in the kink scene too. It’s almost always the usual white, cis, straight men that don’t like that no one wants to be around them when they spout that garbage. In both punk and kink, it’s clear that these duds (yes, that’s on purpose) don’t know any history of the label they want to claim.
“I’m apolitical” inevitably means “I’m a right wing asshole, but I don’t want my words and actions to have consequences.”
I think someone saying they’re apolitical can also mean that they might be aware that they don’t feel strongly towards either end of the political spectrum, which to me can mean that they are self-absorbed. And/or they know they don’t know enough about the politics and consequences of it and prefer to remain ignorant of the society they live in (which is also pretty narcissistic, and stupid, in my eyes)
I think that’s true, but also, often times people say that they’re “apolitical” (in these specific circumstances) and are just lying… or they really believe that they are objective and rational with regards to their views, hence “apolitical” because to them it’s just “facts”…
Self-absorbed and the problems that those other people are complaining about don’t affect the individual being apolitical, so what’s the big deal? In the kink scene this is brought out when people raise concerns about accessibility of a venue, events having a gender-based pricing scheme, and really all of the same issues we get everywhere else, just often with a slightly different implementation. (The seemingly obvious statement that “submissive is not an inherent trait of being a woman” is considered by some to be a political statement which matches with “no politics in kink.”)
Ayn Rand called her philosophy objectivism because somehow “everyone should act like selfish dicks” was supposed to be the objective outcome of simple logic. I think this is still really common among libertarian capitalists who pretend their beliefs are neither left nor right, the free market is simply natural law, and so on. “Reason” magazine is about “free minds and free markets”. The review I linked about Pinker is a good example of someone extolling rationality as at odds with progressives, as if things getting better must be an inherent process rather than the result of people fighting to make it so. The whole thing seems like a political movement dedicated to pretending it’s not.
“I’m apolitical” inevitably means “I’m a right wing asshole, but I don’t want my words and actions to have consequences.”
I always interpret that sort of statement (in whatever scenario) as “no other politics,” or, more likely, “no statements that make me uncomfortable with my own politics.” Folks who are participating in a community who their political cohorts would very much like to see persecuted and wiped off the face of the earth are disingenuous little twats who deserve neither respect nor accommodation.
MAGA is so desperate to find any cool, pro-Trump celebrities, they’re trying to turn Elno into a rock star. Which is hilarious.