Shut the fuck up, Baby Elon maker.
I’ll be honest, I couldn’t get through three full paragraphs of that garbage and even with reading that little bit it was easy to tell this bloviating jackass was masturbating on screen for the purview of other sexist jerks. Looking at the author’s information I suspect he’s a artist wannabe that never made it.
The husband, being the claimant, contended that he was entitled to significant support because he was “totally functionally incapacitated” due to his past injuries. The court decided that in fact he was entitled to no support.
“I also heard evidence from the claimant and his own witnesses that casts substantial doubt on his claim of total functional incapacity. In addition to his tractor re-building activities, the claimant continues to enjoy camping, fishing, hunting, riding “quad” motorcycles, and exploring remote areas of BC in search of Sasquatch.”
Sheesh. I hope she’s able to raise the bar some for her next partner.
His incapacitation is from the neck up.
The bar goes higher than “sasquatch hunter who can fix a tractor”?!
One hopes.
I need to find a new correspondence course.
You win today. This is certainly the dumbest thing I have read.
Verily. How are elves different than humans? They just aren’t humans
As far as their long lives go… humans might covet it in Tolkien’s setting but they do not know what a tortured existence it ends up being for them. The elves didn’t ask to be long lived. They cannot even die, in the conventional sense. Their spirit goes back to the undying lands and they are reincarnated, or if their spirit refuses to go back they become a twisted wicked spirit. They will also live until the actual end of the world, not knowing if the destruction of everything they knew will finally bring about their eternal peace or if they will live on in a new remade world.
I’m 54, so not really all that old, but not exactly young either. Even at my age, I’ve lost a few people that were really close to me, including one former partner (that was still very much a part of my found family) and one that could have been a partner except by the time we both realized that he was already dealing with the cancer that killed him. Even in our short human life spans, many of us already experience seeing person after person that we love deeply. I don’t want to even start to imagine what that would be like on that kind of scale.
I remember reading an article about research into longevity. A researcher in an adjacent field, who was about 45 years old, said something like “My results get used in longevity research, and that’s fine. But I’m not interested in doing that research. It’s hard to find anyone over 35 who is.”
I think it’s worth emphasizing that the fact that humans don’t live forever is called the Gift of Men. It’s something that evil has made frightening to us but was actually a privilege over the Elves and even Valar. Peter Thiel talks a lot about Tolkien but has such a ridiculous lack of understanding of his themes…you know, in case things like making a weapons company called Anduril didn’t make it obvious.
It’s almost like Thiel read Tolkien in the same way Mike Johnson reads the bible.
And Paul Ryan listens to Rage Against The Machine.
I’m morbidly curious what Thiel makes of the good guys not wanting to keep the one ring, given how incredibly overt that is in the story. Think he’s compartmentalized things so that he doesn’t realize his whole life is trying to be like the villains, or think he’s come up with some unhinged alternate reading where actually using the one ring would have been great.
Easy. He doesn’t see them as the good guys and think they’re stupid for not recognising an incredible business opportunity and tiresome as they meddle in the affairs of those destined to rule over them.