Um.... what.... aka, this is the dumbest thing I've ever read

They won’t agree until they’ve each had their turn to play with the nukes…


Okay, then perhaps you can answer this question.

If I were I to wear a skirt, should I - cis-white-male - shave my legs?

I’m undecided and hirsute, so I value your thoughts.


Doesn’t that depend on if you want to shave your legs? Or maybe it depends on the kind of “skirt” you’re wearing?


I’d need more context to offer advice, myself.

Why do you think you should?

Why do you think you shouldn’t?


personally, i don’t shave them. if you like them unshaved, keep them unshaved, and if you want to shave them, shave them, i say. there are no wrong answers, i guess.



To be honest, I think clean shaven legs look good (My calves are nice. Not as nice as they used to be, but still a feature). Especially wearing a skirt that would highlight them. BUT, that being said, I haven’t shaved them to wear shorts in decades so doing so for a skirt seems hypocritical.


By feeling I must shave MY legs to wear a skirt, am I not furthering the notion that all skirt wearing people MUST shave their legs?


You bring up an interesting point. My initial thought with a Kilt is that, “No. You don’t have to.” But, then, am I not just falling into trap of “Hair on Men’s Legs is Okay”

That said, I have looked at some of the Utilkilts to ease the transition.

I guess I’ve answered my question though in that shavings one’s legs is truly up to whatever you feel like doing. (or not doing as will likely be the case)


Ah, okay.

That being the case, I’d say that there’s a continuum that clothing falls upon. On one end, there’s clothing worn to make you look attractive (formal clothing), on the other end is clothing worn for a more practical purpose (casual clothing)1. On the far “casual” side would be something like pyjamas or athletic wear; on the far “formal” side would be a tuxedo or ball gown, with a semi-formal suit or party dress, a business casual outfit, and jeans/t-shirt or sundress all ending up somewhere in the middle.

As such, if you think it’s more attractive and less practical to shave your legs, I’d try to match that to the style of clothing you’re wearing. If you’re wearing a skirt for a date or dance or fancy party, or something else on the “formal” side of affairs, then I’d suggest shaving your legs. If you’re just wearing the skirt in a casual sense, to walk down the street, then probably not.

1Some would put the continuum as ranging between “formal” and “comfortable,” but I’d put comfort on an entirely different axis.


Politically, as another cis-white-male, I feel if I’m going for solidarity, then of course I should go all the way.

Personally, I have shaved my legs and worn stockings before, and it feels fucking awesome.


(I’ve already done enough editing of my previous comment that I’m just going to tackle this separately)

I’m going to answer this part through analogy.

I’ve had a problem since I stopped practicing Catholicism. That is, when to eat fish.

The family tradition was not to eat any meat on Fridays, so Friday would always be a fish night (tuna casserole, fish & chips, salmon & rice, etc.). And, even after I lapsed, that was still a habit that I tried to stay in. But when I abandoned the religion entirely, I started deliberately moving fish night to other days of the week, and refusing to eat fish on Fridays, just out of contrariness.

Do you see the problem?

I was (and am) still being controlled by my former beliefs, even after I thought I’d rid myself of them: the only difference is that I was acting out against them instead of acting in concert with them. The proper response isn’t “I should eat fish on Friday,” or “I shouldn’t eat fish on Friday,” but, “Who cares what day of the week it is? I’ll eat fish whenever I want to eat fish!” Sadly, this is a state I haven’t reached yet.

Either way, you’re violating one norm and reinforcing the other: you’re either violating the norm that men shouldn’t shave their legs and reinforcing the norm that people wearing skirts should, or you’re reinforcing the first norm and violating the second.

The problem is, “People are setting these all of these stupid norms that I’m supposed to live by, and I’m miserable trying to live up to them all.” The solution, when violating one norm, can’t be to ask which of the others would be more or less conformist to live up to; at that point, you’re still defining yourself by the norms, and that continues to give those norms an importance they don’t deserve.

You do you. Anyone who says they’re striving for equality and then takes issue with your decision to feel more comfortable, or to look sexier, in a skirt, is missing the point entirely.

On a completely different note, I was struggling to decide what to have for dinner tonight, and now I’m not, so huzzah!


I get that the fishing industry was important, and influential, and fishing doesn’t have the same seasonal constraints as culling farm animals, but still eating fish to avoid eating meat is like eating arthropods to avoid eating meat. It’s still animal flesh. It’s still meat.

I do eat meat, but avoid anything which passes the mirror test, and avoid seafood due to overfishing.


Religious obligations don’t have to make sense.


Not to mention the general definition of “meat” has changed a lot over the centuries. I have vegetarian cookbooks which claim in medieval times “meat” was just what we call a “meal” these days (with “meal” having the meaning of “ground grain” still also use today).




My teen years were ruined by the likes of Sean Connery as a shirtless James Bond, and now that I can proudly (almost) stand next to him shirtless (hair-wise, not infrastructure), all I see on TV shows now are buff hairless male chests. It’s not fair.


Yeah, totes legit you guys.

Apparently this scam has been going on for a while now. So much so that the FTC has an article on it.


I like the ones that are like “We called your attorney. About your money. That you are hiding. Illegally. From the government.”

Always reminds me of Brad Kneely’s delivery in Wizard People, Dear Reader.

My money. That I’m hiding. Illegally.


I’m fairly certain that at least a few of these scams are disinfo political campaigns.

Robocalls. And the phone company is indemnified from doing anything about this lazy drone-in-a-stripmall brand of totalitarian harassment.


The worst are the nearly daily Chinese immigration scam robocalls that I have been getting.


Keep getting the your internet will be cut off tomorrow robocall. Still waiting.


I actually get valid ones. My telcom here in Mexico calls you around the time your bill is due, so you won’t forget. I can totally see some immigrants being fooled by this scam.