Paging @Axolotl!
That’s tattoo worthy!
That is the happiest cat I’ve ever seen.
Of course, Calvin is an expert.
What happens when you have heated tile flooring
You get Longcats. Lots and lots of Longcats.
very strange phenomenon now that many people have learned online not to pet service dogs is that they walk by little bird and me, wave their hands at little bird, and say in a baby voice “oooohh you’re so cute! you’re so cute! i’m not going to pet you because i know you’re working! ooohhhh puppy puppy puppy, i want to pet you but i’m not allowed~” and i have to tell them what they’re doing is literally as distracting as petting her. this happens almost every single time i’m out with her.
I’m really grateful you made this post because I don’t think I’d considered how this would be just as distracting. I don’t think I’ve done this, but I wouldn’t have known it was important not to do.
Reblogging for everybody else who maybe never thought this through fully
[Apols for the “music.” Dunno WTF people are thinking when they add stuff like that to videos!]
Someone recently posted a terribly amusing meme illustrating “bird birb borb blorb,” and now I can’t find it! I went thru loads of threads I’d recently visited, but no joy I really wish i’d grabbed it (w/thanks) right away
I looked on Gogol, but the results were worthless.
Can anyone help?
That’s it!!!
An excellent use of a sycamore leaf:
And finally:
Slàinte Mhath
I’ll have to caboose the train edition for a bit. Still need to do matched cat edition. I’m satisfied with what I sketched out on paper for that but still have to get it started on powerpoint. The “real world” is running interference!
Agus slàinte mhath dhuibh air an oidhche Burns seo!