(US) Representative Follies

Wait, let me think about this one… I’m sure I can come up with some examples if I just dig deep into my memory…


Good grief. Yea, it was crass, but Doocy is indeed a dumb son of a bitch. No lies detected!

I saved this pic a while back, and it’s basically how I want to respond to assholes with ridiculous takes like that. Not directed at you, of course.


A Texas GOP Candidate’s New Claim: School Cafeteria Tables Are Being Lowered for “Furries”


At first I was trying to figure out how lower tables would even help. The article did explain. It’s still nonsense, but I could at least understand how they could arrive at that conclusion.

I found this to be the most useful paragraph in the story, which is pretty good overall:

The closest most furries come to “identifying” as an animal is creating a “fursona,” or an avatar-like character they can illustrate, or a “fursuit” costume to wear at conventions, in the same way that Star Wars fans might dress as a Jedi knight at Comic-Con. Furries aren’t, in other words, using litter boxes or sticking their faces into dog bowls, Roberts said. “It is such a misunderstanding that we used a similar concept as a joke in a public service announcement, where we put furries in ridiculous situations, where the punch line was, ‘Of course furries don’t do this, but if you want to know more, come to furscience.com,’” she said. “It’s that far off from what is accurate about the furry fandom.”


I normally cringe a bit at this kind of paparazzi thing, but… walking around without a mask and visiting restaurants after just recently testing positive? Clearly someone who doesn’t feel any need for “personal responsibility”.

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Pu-SHAW to her!

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It’s also not clear if what McGee is doing is even allowed. At a recent board meeting, library officials asked their legal counsel if McGee had the legal ability to do this.

The counsel’s reply: “Uh, no.”

When asked directly if his position as mayor gave him the authority to withhold the $110,000, McGee told the Mississippi Free Press , “That’s a legal question. I don’t know that I do or do not. But right now I’m holding the money.”

So, publicly admitting to stealing from the taxpayers and committing extortion? That’s nice.


Kinda surprised she got “gulag” right, almost expected “goulash” or something.


In a city council video that reads like sketch comedy—Shubert’s comic delivery would be perfect, if this were comedy—the mayor warns that if you open up the lake to ice fishing, ice shantytowns will follow, and the​​n commercial sex. (Doesn’t everyone know that ice shanties are irresistible to sex workers? Nothing like the feeling of fish guts and freezing water to get someone in the mood!)

“If you open this up to ice fishing, while on the surface it sounds good, then what happens next year—does someone come back and say I want an ice shanty?” asked Shubert. “And if you then allow ice fishing with shanties, then that leads to another problem: prostitution.”

“Just data points to consider,” he added.


This is from 1922 isn’t it, really now? Isn’t it…um…?

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Descended from Holocaust survivors, too.

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From Bill McSwain announces plan to restore law and order as Governor - Bill McSwain :

  • Lead the effort to pass a state constitutional amendment that the District Attorney of a city of the first class will be appointed by the Governor. There is only one such city in our Commonwealth, and it is Philadelphia. The time has come for this change. The Governor should have the responsibility to appoint the chief law enforcement officer of the largest – and now, the deadliest – city in our Commonwealth. That is how we will rid the City of Larry Krasner.