Valve is not your friend, and Steam is not healthy for gaming

So we’re doing this?

Should we split this into a new thread?


Or link it to

This is mine - I’m a lightweight

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Bad juju. I have the Civ 3 Gold Collection on CD. It is very moderate in CPU draw.


Heh, didn’t mean to derail. I’ve been trying to think of something to say about the article, but it seems to have a lot of unrelated things thrown together, and all seeming to argue against a strawman of Valve being a great, giving company that’s a friend to all. The bit about slashing payments to workshop creators and not being good at support ring true, but they’re kind of swamped by the general attempt to complain about everything.

(I say “strawman” just because I’ve never seen anyone arguing what this article seems to be in opposition to, but maybe I just don’t frequent the right places. Valve’s made some awesome games, and created some extremely engaging and interactive marketing methods, but they’re still just this company, ya’know?)


I opted for a new topic, as it’s more about what we aren’t playing than what we are.


Late to this, but I’m not shocked it is being picked apart.

Valve also does zippo to combat g2a on top of promoting and condoning illegal gambling targeted at minors. Valve as a company is… well a company. And that’s the point of the (obviously hyperbolic) article, Valve has a fanbase that will defend it despite the obvious flaws they have as the company expands and attracts the corporate types that are motivated by something entirely different than what their PR says.

I also share a similar sentiment that Valve is not healthy for gaming - but that is to say the video game industry has been so exploitative and abusive post crash that Valve is probably the best of the big companies. I use Steam nearly exclusively with no guilt, and the changes to reviews and refunds recently have been huge steps forward.


Also, Enter the Gungeon is on 50% sale. It is amazing.