Wanderthread Redux (Part 1)

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…and most of that money is going to disappear into the pockets of Dem consultant grifters, while the rest is burnt on useless TV ads that will fail to elect right wing shitstains like Amy McGrath.

Think about how many people could have been housed and fed with that money. How much healthcare it could pay for.

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Delusional cultists:

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Reminder that Biden supported the Hyde Amendment until like thirty seconds ago.

…which is why I reluctantly advocate a Biden [1] vote…

…even though it probably won’t do any good.

I am not saying “Zentrum are as bad as the Nazis” [2]. I am saying “supporting Zentrum is not going to succeed in dislodging fascism”.

Although anything is possible, I would be very surprised if Biden becomes President. As I’ve been saying since 2017: fascists are counting the votes.

Sure, go vote. But get planning on what you’re going to do when 2021 rolls around and Trump is still President.


[1] Although it’s murderous either way; when you add up their career body count, Biden still has a large lead on Trump. That fucker voted for every war and every cop for the last fifty years.

[2] Although I would say that both Zentrum and the Nazis are comprehensively vile organisations that do great harm to the world, and both need to be destroyed. A defensive tactical vote for the Dems is justifiable; actually stanning that turdblossom of a party is not.

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