Wanderthread Redux (Part 2)

“Silent majority”.

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Hey, remember when people correctly held Bush responsible for Katrina?


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Is this a US politician protesting the fact that hospitalisation for Covid treatment would be likely to bankrupt many Americans, and demanding action to correct that situation?

No, she’s just using the threat of medical bankruptcy as a whip to drive behaviour. And contributing to the bipartisan effort at redirecting any examination of systemic failure into anger at relatively powerless individuals.

The comments are full of libs suggesting that the solution is to further increase healthcare costs for the unvaccinated, BTW.

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The US precedent for the German Labour Front:

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Southern cops. Given the authority to forcibly stab needles into whichever Black person they’re harassing at the time. During a fucking plague in which cops have been prominent amongst the carriers.

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Ben Goldacre’s favourite quack is getting into Australian political commentary:

“We must fire this journalist because she once said something that implies that Palestinians are human. Strict objective impartiality at all times is essential”.


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Mercator Projection. On a globe.

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Obama killed many more than Bush, and while Trump initially maintained Obama’s death rate he wasn’t there for long enough to match the total.