Wanderthread Redux (Part 2)

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US liberals going full “rootless cosmopolitan”:

On the one hand: good riddance to bad rubbish.

OTOH: this makes it pretty obvious that the US doesn’t actually give a fuck about the future welfare of the Afghans, no?

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Although it isn’t getting anywhere near the same traction, it appears that the attempted freakout over the Jan 6 “coup” is the new Russiagate.

A massively overhyped issue, portrayed by the Dems as an existential threat to US “democracy”, all while studiously ignoring the absurd hypocrisy of their arguments in a global and historical context, all while not actually intending to do anything useful in response.


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Fascists have a more realistic understanding of US politics and history than liberals do:

…although it’s still wrong.

Yes, actually committing to the values Dr King espoused is totally incompatible with the working-as-designed white supremacist status quo USA.

However, co-opting a whitewashed version of a mythological Dr King, and using that co-option to pretend that a brutally white supremacist plutocracy is actually a progressive democracy…that is perfectly compatible with the real-world USA. And that’s what was done.

Reminder that “community policing” is a euphemism for counterinsurgency.

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…and that’s before we even get to the discussion of “to what extent are the conditions in Venezuela the consequences of historical context and foreign attack?”.

Libs still at it when discussing the South:

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