Wanderthread Redux (Part 2)

She sabotaged a pipeline, harming no people.


The world has been screaming “Yankee go home” for a century, all while bipartisan Americans studiously avoid examining why variations on this phrase are so prevalent.

Guess what comes up if you search for that phrase on Wiki?

Nothing to do with material reality, it’s all just irrational prejudice.


Here’s a story:

TLDR: the rightwing host of a pseudo-Cops TV show in Brazil got caught arranging murders for the purpose of providing more exciting TV content.

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“Military umbrella”.

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Establishment Dem mayor responding to losing a primary to a centre-left socdem:

Seriously, “improved clean cookstoves” is ranked very highly at Project Drawdown as one of the most effective ways to reduce carbon emissions globally. (And a lot of that impact is in Asia rather than Africa.)

Not as much as reducing food waste, plant-rich diets, better health and education support for women, or onshore wind turbines but way above things like electric cars, improving mass transit, nuclear power etc.

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It’s worth doing for the short-range benefits of reducing in-home fume leakage alone, but the broader point remains. If you’re looking at micro-scale stuff in the global south, you aren’t looking at the key polluters.

The nonessential luxury air travel of the small minority of wealthy Westerners produces as much CO2 as all of the billions of kerosene lamps doing essential work in the global south. And that air travel is itself relatively insignificant when compared to the impact of Western military aviation, which is in turn dwarfed by the impact of corporate industry.

This is despite there still being zero known cases of any variant of Covid currently in Tasmania.

Fine by me.

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Saudi Arabia as it currently is would not exist if it were it not for constant Western intervention to maintain the utterly corrupt and unbelievably brutal monarchy.

Not entirely seriously:

Reminiscent of every empire afterwards whenever they contacted indigenous people, isn’t it?

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