Wanderthread Redux (Part 2)

From the looks of it, the US-Afghan puppet government isn’t going to last five minutes once their masters leave.

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I spent years training in an applied science (disability rehab) before becoming a research scientist (psychopharmacology).

One thing that I repeatedly encountered during this was that the things that are taught in the applied sciences as undisputed fact are frequently based in theories that the research side abandoned as incorrect years ago. Applied dogma is usually representative of the state of theory from about a decade ago, much of which is now known to be false.

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July, 2018. During the tenure of known torturer and Trump appointee Gina Haspel.

Who has now been replaced by someone who is almost certainly equally evil, although somewhat less notorious.

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Blind, algorithmic responses to bigotry (i.e. the sort of things generally preferred by liberal technocrats) that fail to consider historical context and sociological power relations will never be an effective solution, because they are based upon a fundamentally flawed idea of how racism and other oppressions work in reality.

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Ἐκκλησιάζουσαι, Aristophanes.

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Democrats say “respect our troops”, and then baselessly and without objection smear the most prominent veteran in the party as a Russian spy.

Democrats claim to be anti-racist, and then construct the largest white supremacist carceral police state the world has ever seen.

White supremacy is bipartisan. The empire is bipartisan. Trump was the symptom, not the disease.


Xeni aiming to be Twitter’s main character for the day again:


This thread:

Note that, despite this being presented as an exceptional piece of empathetic multiculturalism, it is still based in the premise that the great tragedy of the American war on Vietnam was that the Americans and their murderously corrupt right-wing South Vietnamese puppet state [1] were defeated.

Rather than the tragedy being the century of colonialist war imposed upon Vietnam by France, Japan and the USA.


[1] Whose personnel were to a large extent shared with the French and Japanese collaborationist administrations that preceded them.