Wanderthread Redux (Part 2)


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And how come everyone has a problem spelling “convenience”? That one is run by a group of witches!




I’m not immunosuppressed but my brother is…and he does do in-person things, though he takes all the possible precautions.

Me, it’s all in my head. I really want to die sometimes, but not via COVID, or any other fairly-preventable disease.

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Capitalist innovation and choice:

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The neighbours to my left are in full isolation: she has chronic lung disease, and he retired this year (a couple of years earlier than intended) specifically to avoid the risk of bringing illness home. They get their groceries delivered and pretty much never leave their property.

Across the road, we have Karel, who is elderly and ill but still travelling all over and paying gardeners etc. to help on her land. I worry for her; as well as the exposure risks, she’s also enough of a hippy that she’s likely to try and treat Covid with CBD and crystals.

The local grower has a permanently implanted tracheotomy tube. I haven’t talked to him in a couple of months, but I’d be surprised if he hasn’t locked the gate.

As for myself, it’s relatively easy to escape infection when you habitually avoid people anyway. But I’m considering replacing my monthly grocery run to Beaconsfield with paying for delivery (which would see the food coming from near Launceston, as that’s the closest delivery option).

Locally, a lot of people seem to be coming to the Clarence Point boatramp pontoon for a day of fishing. Possibly more than usual; it’s a relatively low-risk recreation opportunity.

But because no-one wants to share air, they’re starting to spread along the beach instead of all bunching up on the pontoon like normal. Which is beginning to bring people closer than I’d like to my favourite swimming spot…


Incidentally, consider the complications involved in trying to use a mask in this circumstance.

If Covid reaches his land, he’s dead. “Mild” or otherwise.

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