Wanderthread Redux (Part 2)

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From 2014.

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Constant self-parody.


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Just ignore the half-dozen times that we’ve already falsely run this based-on-nothing-just-trust-us story in the last week.

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The attack on the Portland march appears to have barely raised a ripple in US media. Just business as usual now.

This attack?

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According to the New York Times, the shooter called the unarmed motorcade group, who were trying to keep people safe, “violent terrorists” before opening fire.

The media fuckers are already starting to run stories about removing mask mandates in Tasmania, too.

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“wars make us safer and richer” – for some very specific definition of “us”


Less specific than you might think, though.

Although wars don’t benefit most Americans when viewed from an intra-society perspective, those wars and associated bastardry are nevertheless the reason why the imperial core remains wealthy and the Global South remains impoverished.

Roman plebs still get screwed, but nowhere near as much as those in the territories that the legions are invading. And the corn dole that keeps them pacified is provided from the wealth extracted by the legions.