Wanderthread Redux (Part 2)

Really, I’m sick of human evolution taking so fucking long. Our reach certainly does exceed our grasp.

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Linguistic note: I was watching a history video yesterday that included the phrase “the first Cold War”.

Why cop “unions” aren’t real unions:

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My take on Ukraine is that I don’t know enough to have a firm position about the situation, beyond a basic assumption that none of the states involved give a flying fuck about justice, human rights or the rule of law, and that all of them will consistently act in accordance with the perceived self-interest of their ruling class.

Smol Robots is one of my favourite Twitter accounts.


The most heavily propagandised people on the planet.


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I’ve no wish to hold up Reuters as some paragon of quality journalism, but this sort of framing is the bare minimum required for even the appearance of professional objectivity:

“Speaking on condition of anonymity”. “The official did not provide evidence”. “The official said”.

The vast majority of US media constantly and abjectly fails even this minimal standard.

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Speaking of “not real unions”…

One thing to note: it appears that the Russian military is more capable than I thought.

I’d based my assessment of their capability on budget figures, but it looks like those were substantially underestimated (partly due to underreporting by the Russian government, partly due to currency exchange volatility messing with comparisons).

They’re still well down the list, but they’re not quite the shambling ruin that they appeared to be.