Wanderthread Redux (Part 2)

What a cunt.

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Basic cop salaries in Virginia appear to be around the $50,000 mark, so expect ~$100,000 after overtime. Plus all the side job scams that American cops are so fond of, plus the assorted official and unofficial perks.

Remember “we are the daughters of the witches they couldn’t burn”?

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President Guaido must be busy or something.


German fucking Lopez.

It’s also worth noting that the main difference between Western and Russian oligarchs is that the Russian ones appear to be intimidated by and subservient to their head of state, whereas in the West it’s mostly the other way around.


Several of the prominent WWII history Youtubers have been noticeably quiet of late. This may have something to do with the point that a bunch of them are sponsored by and/or directly employed by Wargaming, the company that makes World of Tanks, World of Warships, etc.

One of them popped up today, and begins his video explaining why he is not commenting on Ukraine:

Notably missing from the explanation is “my employer is a Russian corporation”.

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