Wanderthread Redux (Part 2)

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Okay, I’m pretty well-read, but I had to look up “elide”.

Why didn’t they just use “omit”? Or is “elide” an elite version?


Screencap as deletion insurance:

In case it ain’t clear: this does not justify the war, Putin is an arse, most Ukrainians ain’t Nazis, hopefully the Russian military will be driven back to their own land.

But the Nazi problem in Ukraine is real and significant. And, given the circumstances, is probably rapidly growing.

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“Thousands of innocent Bangladeshi civilians may get sick or die because of this, but I celebrate it because their ruling class were insufficiently enthusiastic about joining in on the symbolic condemnation of a nation in a conflict that has fuck-all to do with them. I am a good person.”


Does Patriarchy contribute to the creation and evil of war? Yes.

Does installing non-revolutionary women as leaders within those patriarchal systems do anything to make that better? No.

Incidentally, the Sandberg quote was given at a Cartier-sponsored event. In Dubai.

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Well, he wasn’t alive during WWs I or II, nor during the 1960s, 1970s, and most of the 1980s.

I think he’s taking after his paternal grandpa.

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Seeing a whole lot of Westerners in the last week who are pushing the idea that common people are responsible for the crimes of their national military, regardless of how much personal power they may have.

They seem to think that when a state military begins committing war crimes, the people have an ethical duty to immediately launch a revolution, and it is good and proper for other nations to inflict collective punishment upon those people in order to spur them to action.

Which is an idea I have some sympathy for (the first half of it, anyway), but given the nationalities of the speakers involved it shows a stunning lack of self-reflection.


The hypocrisy is mind-blowing, pardon the pun.