Wanderthread Redux (Part 2)


Somewhat similar to the Battle of Brisbane.

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From an old BB discussion:

The Ukrainians just arrested and imprisoned the leader of the parliamentary opposition, and are now openly using him as a hostage.

Guess how this was reported in the Western press?

Imagine the coverage if a US adversary nation had done this.


Interesting online sociology:

For unknown reasons, trans women have always been prominent in the Mechwarrior community, on both the player and game-writer side. This is there to such an extent that I would not be surprised to discover that the majority of women playing Mechwarrior are trans.

Although not universal, it is not uncommon for players to use voice synthesisers in-game. This is probably not unrelated to the preceding point.

Anyway: one of the Twitch/Youtube streamers has recently begun playing Mechwarrior Online. And she is a Dutch cis woman with an extremely thick accent.

But now she’s occasionally getting a little aggro from players in-game on the basis that she’s “chosen” to use an incomprehensible voice synth, which is irritating to the people trying to organise group tactics. The thought that it’s her real voice apparently did not occur to them.


Nihil novi sub sole.

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The rest of Europe used to consider Germans another race, a rather uncouth and and uncultured one. Back in “ancient times” - aka a little over 100 years ago.



Libtwitter is currently trying to cancel Christian Smalls (the Amazon Union leader), using his appearance on Fox as the excuse [1].

As always:


[1] Pre-Fox interview, they were already accusing him of being a Russian/Trumpist agent because he was occasionally mildly critical of Democrats.

Also, there’s this.

and i’m not one bit surprised.

Utterly shameless.

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