Wanderthread Redux (Part 2)

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Nate Silver’s on his bullshit again:

OTOH, the rest of the thread appears to be YIMBYesque “build more housing” rather than my preferred “smash the landlords and seize the underoccupied money-laundering condos and AirBNB microhotels”.

I like the way you put that.

As well as the usual issue of “the Wehrmacht was destroyed by Zhukov and the Red Army, D-Day was a late-war diversionary attack”, there’s also the point that the German military fucking invented modern independent small unit tactics during WWI, and German noncoms tended to have greater independence then their Western equivalents rather than less.


There’s also the point that the American military were notably incompetent upon their entry to both world wars. Both times, they spent their initial phases fucking up and getting slaughtered before finally conceding that perhaps they should pay attention to the people who’d already been fighting for years.

Let’s hear it for Clausewitz?

Kids weren’t the only thing that Jimmy Saville fucked:

Reading Sappho, I found this interesting snippet:


I’d say anything without virtue isn’t a harmless neighbor

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Extradited to an openly torture-happy death penalty nation with a globally infamous farce of a “justice” system, as punishment for committing a blatantly non-criminal act on the other side of the world.

Rule of law is a joke.

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