Wanderthread Redux (Part 2)

White libs still doing this shit:

  1. The oppression of Puerto Rico is utterly bipartisan, and has been from the day the occupation began.

  2. All of them except Sotomayor voted for this. Kagan and Breyer are reliable votes for this sort of shit, and if RBG were still there it’s likely that she would’ve backed it as well.

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Bragging about vandalising homes and terrorising innocent people:


Today’s Madison Cawthorn news is giving the libs another opportunity to indulge in one of their regular festivals of homophobia/misogyny/puritanism.

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The pro-landlord bias in this reporting is deranged:

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Happy Cake Day!

It’s actually about a month early.

But I had some cake anyway. :slightly_smiling_face:

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“Freedom and democracy”.

Yep, it’s everywhere. (eyeroll)


The sort of argument you’d normally expect to hear from smug white liberals:

Somewhat different context, though.