Wanderthread Redux (Part 2)

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The UK Labour party is irretrievably dead, example five squillion:

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Boots is back:

Does Cuba etc. have Western Liberal Capitalist-style multiparty elections conducted via supposedly independent privately-owned media? No.

Is that Western Capitalist style the best or only way to do democracy? No.

Are the ways in which democratic consultation is conducted in places like Cuba ideal or perfectly representative of public will? Frequently no, but that does not make them unique.

Is that imperfection substantially influenced by the hostile context in which those nations exist? Yes. Even if you want to, you cannot sustainably maintain a fully open society when under constant attack from a massively powerful foe.

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BTW: I’m paywalled out of that NYT article. Anyone got text?

“Altruistic charity”.



Activist pressure works:

The zionists are reacting with all of the honesty and restraint that they’re commonly known for:

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Meanwhile, US liberals are following essentially the same policy. They just aren’t saying it out loud.

Doesn’t that make everything so much better?