Wanderthread Redux (Part 2)


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One more for the list of “imagine how MSNBC would have covered this if Trump had done it”:

So they took a Nazi death camp, dressed it up as a Soviet prison, and now they’re renting it out as a tourist attraction.

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The gusano caucus:

Nothing to do with US sanctions, it’s all the fault of the designated villain of the month.

Twitter today is heavily infested with bougie libs condemning anyone who might dare to suggest that $10k of student loan forgiveness is inadequate. “How dare you worthless peons not be grateful” is the general vibe.


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“After sustained negative PR, the Nazi militia have finally altered their official branding. Now please ignore the multiple reports widely published across Western mainstream media over the last several years which investigated the Nazi militia and found that yes, they actually were Nazis”.

Again: Putin bad. Invasion bad. War bad.

But that doesn’t mean that you have to uncritically swallow every bit of war propaganda which we’re currently being blatantly flooded with.

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The Dems have fulfilled their role of diverting resistance and normalising/institutionalising the changes wrought by the preceding GOP administration, so now it’s time to revert to overt fascist control:

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*stay poor.

And gawd forbid one be poor and in debt (the two mostly go together, but not always) and try to get a job.


Rainbow fucking bullets.

It’s also a Full Metal Jacket reference. A movie about how the USMC creates destructive psychopathy.