Wanderthread Redux (Part 2)



Because they’re not Republicans, simply that. With no party diversity, we’re fucking screwed.

My general take on US voting:

  1. If you think voting is worth the effort to do, then you should probably vote D as a harm-limitation measure, even though there are significant and sensible arguments against this.

  2. If you think that voting D is actually going to do anything to solve any of the USA’s problems, you’re a fucking idiot.

  3. If you choose to focus your political efforts on shouting at other people about how they should vote D, you’re a fucking arsehole as well.

Vote-shaming is something primarily done by financially comfortable white people who are looking for someone to scapegoat for the consequences of the status quo that they support.




Excerpt from Men Who Sell Sex: Global Perspectives - Google Books

I vaguely knew the founder of RAMS when I was a teenager, BTW. He was the friend of a guy I met at a protest march.

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Khashoggi? Never heard of him.

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The GOP’s copy is leatherbound, whereas the Dems’ copy is just laminated so any spatters can be easily wiped off.

Addendum: Just had a thought - could the title also be interpreted as a guidebook for Handmaids?

From Poverty, single mothers and mobility – Family Inequality

should also be asserting to ban concealed carry without special permits and strict job related conditions, and licensing and insurance requirements similar to automobiles.

German Bild journalist drooling at the prospect of “disloyal” Ukrainians being killed:

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They still regularly shoot up his memorial.

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