Wanderthread Redux (Part 2)

Gosh, remember the days when Kaiser Wilhelm II got ticked off at Krupp and Vickers, et al, for selling weapons of war to everyone who would buy them.


“Possibly using slave labor and coal-fired power”


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Cue a chorus of “he’s just a private citizen!” from the same libs who spent the last six years screaming about Trump’s kids.

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Idiocy is bipartisan.

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Every fucking time:

Why SWERFs are just as dangerous as TERFs:



Since Twitter today is flooded with white liberals tediously wailing about Jan 6, my basic take:

  1. Jan 6 wasn’t a coup, it was a pack of drunk idiots having a relatively small scale recreational riot.

  2. If you want to see what a real coup looks like, just keep an eye on what the US State Department is up to. They’ll provide you with multiple examples every year.

  3. The “heroic” cops that the Dems are currently giving a tongue-bath to only got into that situation because they were up to their usual nonsense of mollycoddling and collaborating with the extreme right.

  4. The only tragic thing about the US Congress being overrun by rioters was that it was done by a pack of right wing fools and they didn’t make it stick.

taking it as lightly as you seem to be will certainly result in a more successful second try. I welcome the wailing, It most certainly was a coup (a sudden, violent, and illegal seizure of power from a government), not to excuse examples elsewhere. And yes, a high percentage of all cops, and even the capital cops were trump voters, and these assholes attacked them anyway - and I certainly consider them heroic for fighting rather than running, or turning sides. While I agree its tragic that it was done by fools, there is nothing about this that any sensible person would want to see stick, and it is more than tragic that so many police officers lost their lives during or soon after the event.

You’re way off.


That’s pretty damn harsh, and I’m certainly glad they failed, because as bad as things are now, I think it would have been one hell of a lot worse if Trump had gotten a second term. (And I don’t mean to exonerate Biden’s administration in any way; I’m boiling mad at how they’ve basically given up on any meaningful long-term response to Covid while the pandemic’s still raging, the failures to renew the child care credit and foreclosure relief measures, and a host of other things. But I think we all know Trump and his cronies succeeding in a coup would have been so much worse, on both national and international levels.)

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Put it this way: if a BLM or antiwar or pro-choice march burnt Congress to the ground, I would loudly cheer.

I wouldn’t necessarily judge it to be a strategically wise move, but I also wouldn’t call it a tragedy. The preservation of the symbols of the US state is nothing to celebrate, and American democracy was not imperilled because it doesn’t exist.

While a successful right wing coup in the USA would be extremely dangerous (and would certainly make things much worse in the short term, and probably the long term as well):

  1. The Jan 6 idiots never came close to success, and

  2. The continuation of the status quo USA is globally catastrophic to a level that seriously imperils the survival of human civilisation.

Remember Ahed Tamimi, the girl who went viral after slapping an Israeli soldier? Because her cousin Mohammed had been shot in the head shortly beforehand?

He just shot, again. By the Israeli military, again. In the head, again.

But that’s not they way they operate. Why should they put themselves on the same level as the GOP/Trumpers? That would make them just as bad.

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