Wanderthread Redux (Part 2)

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On the one handā€¦

On the other handā€¦

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How much of that is more police violence and how much is better data? I suspect the actual rate is even more, and doubt itā€™s increasing.



From the Sydney Olympics:


Politics as media fandom. Completely aesthetic, utterly divorced from material reality or consequence.

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Remind me again which party controls the government in LA?

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Democratic Governor, Democratic Mayor, etc. etc. As per usual.

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  1. Most ā‰  all.
  2. Asymptomatic infected vaxxed people are totally capable of infecting and killing the unvaccinated. Consider what that means given the race and class correlations of access to vaccination.
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Both sides of the US gun debate are saturated in classism and white supremacy. The pro-gun folks want to shoot Black and poor people, the anti-gun folks want to disarm Black and poor people.

Enhancing gun laws while doing nothing to change the status quo of American policing will result in little more than a reinvigorated supply of slaves for the prison factories. The cops will use it as an excuse to harass, abuse and incarcerate poor/Black people, while wealthy/white people get permitted, ignored and occasionally politely warned.

You cannot solve the problem of American violence by giving more power to the primary sources of that violence.

Yes, the US gun situation is fucked up. But there is no shortcut to peace that avoids the long road through justice.

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